Breaking It

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******HERMIONE'S POV******

*5 Months Later*

I pulled into the driveway of the small cabin I had been living in with Ron. McGonagall had extended the school year by 2 months to allow all the new moms and dads a chance to adapt. Now, It was only days before the school year ended and the unknown of what would happen when we got out of here, terrified me. I feel like I've been in prison, mentally, verbally and on occasion physically abused by that pig. I sat in the car for a moment, flashing back to when this all started. 

"Cutting it close don't you think," He said sitting at the kitchen table with a bottle of firewhisky when I arrived. I shut the door behind me as he got up from the table, making his way towards me. "That little stunt you pulled earlier, that's never going to happen again, do you understand, I will not have you defy, me," He said getting in my face. Just when I thought it was over and he was walking away, he turned around and slapped me across the face. "Here is how this is going to work. Harry and I told McGonagall you weren't happy with your ministry pairings and since the ministry only required a baby, they didn't put up a fight if you wanted to switch partners after the fact. Don't be fooled, if you try anything, tell anyone, I will kill the baby and the snake" He said getting in my face again. I single tear slipped down my cheek and from that moment on, I knew I would do everything in my power to try and get out of this. 

I shook myself out of the flashback, placing my head in my hands. It was a Wednesday and I just dropped off Hugo and Rose at daycare before going to change for class. Those were the names Ron chose for the twins that came out of the potion he took. I had really been struggling for the last 5 months, as much as I tried to love those children like I love Elena, it just didn't seem possible, they weren't her. I would see her in the halls with Draco on occasion. we tried our best to cross paths as much as possible, but not being able to communicate made that difficult. 

I walked up to the house and unlocked the door. The second I walked in I heard a giggle coming from upstairs, the kids were at daycare and I knew that wasn't Ron. My heart sped up, this may be it, this may be exactly what I have been hoping for. I slipped off my shoes and quietly ran upstairs, busting in the room once I was up. "Hermione, it's not what it looks like baby!" He said with Lavender Brown tangled around him in bed. I knew if I refused to sleep with him, eventually, he would turn to this. 

"No" I smiled the biggest smile I possibly could, knowing now I could go back to my baby girl and the love of my life. "It's exactly what it looks like. The contract is broken, I'm free and I can go home to Draco and Elena" I said and Ron's face turned bright red. I grabbed the small bag I had by the door and shoved the few belonging I had here in it. "It's your turn to pick the kids up from daycare and you are the one years from now that will get to explain to them, why things are the way that they are. I will take them on weekends so they still have a sensible parent in their life. Bye Ron Weasley." I said and ran out the front door. I jumped in my car, backing out of the driveway and speeding towards the beach, towards home. I walked in the front door expecting it to be empty with Draco gone to class and Elena at daycare but when I walked in, I heard a little laugh coming from the living room, followed by a 'Hello'. I dropped my bags, now in full view of Draco. He was standing in the living room with Ellie in his arms, she was so beautiful. 

He looked up, trying to see where her gaze was. His mouth opened for a second when he saw me but he quickly closed it, a smile breaking out over his face and a tear spilling down his cheek. "Look, baby, it's Mumma" He said pulling her closer. "Mumma" She said making me smile, tears immediately springing to my eyes. He put her on the ground and held her hands so she could try and walk. being only 5 months I didn't expect much but her feet took off towards me. When they got close I scooped her up and she nuzzled into me. Draco engulfed both of us in a tight hug, Him and I both sobbing now. "Does this mean..." He said now being able to finish his sentence. I pressed my forehead to his, kissing his lips tenderly and nodding my head. "I am never letting you go again. not for a second" He said smiling and crying at the same time. 

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