Movie Night

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"Okay so Potter, we know from experience that you take forever in the bathroom, so you go in there with Zabini, Longbottom and Weasel... Zabini make sure they don't destroy the place and Granger grab your clothes from your room so Ginny and Luna can go in there." I said

"Why is Hermione going with you when she can go with Ginny and Luna," Harry asked skeptically. "We are both quick at getting ready. Don't worry Potter, I have a walk-in closet I'll stuff her in. I won't see a thing" I said...ya right like I would let her change in the closet. "Fine" Harry said and they all left. I went to grab Hermione's hand but she was already in my room, so I raced after her and shut the door. I quickly put the muffliato spell on when I closed it so no-one could eavesdrop. I went to Hermione right away and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I brought her over and laid her on my bed. I crashed my lips into hers kissing her with a mix of passion and hunger hoping it would show her how I really felt about her. It ended all too quickly though, knowing we both had to change. I slipped off my swim trunks and pulled on my sweats. "Godric Draco, I never really got a proper look before but you're... very well equipped," She said blushing

"Of course I am, why do you think I'm so confident," I said and winked at her as she licked her lips and quickly covered her mouth when she realized what she did. Damn, that turned me on... She got up and grabbed her bra and put in on, then her leggings, minus the panties and slid on her burgundy tank top and knit sweater. This time it was her who pushed me onto the bed and attached my lips. Her hips lowered to meet mine and she ground against my throbbing cock. This girl was going to be the death of me. "Damn. Baby. Are. You. Horny. Or something?" I asked between kisses. She laughed and pulled away. "I had a craving and needed to satisfy it, but we probably shouldn't do this right now, we have guests waiting on us." she said and I groaned "Fine but that sexy little ass is mine later," I told her kissing her lips quick once more before she climbed off.

"Draco... would you mind putting a shirt on maybe? They got to see enough of you in the hot tub, I'd like to keep the rest for myself" She said and my heart fluttered, is that jealousy? from Hermione Granger. That was adorable. I tossed a tight black shirt on and we walked out into the common area. We were in there for a while and we were still the first ones out. Hermione walked over to her bedroom door and knocked. "Are you guys almost done in there?" She asked and heard a chorus of 'yeah' back from the girls. I grabbed her hand and we intertwined our fingers. Her hands were soft and it put a smile on my face. I nodded my head to the bathroom door and I was about to knock when we heard them talking.


H: Ya I was over here this morning! She was in underwear and a t-shirt, that must be what she wore to bed... I almost got hard on the spot

R: Well mate I'm the one that's liked her for 6 years, I've never seen her like I have tonight... She has really grown into herself.

N: Have you seen the size of her chest. Malfoy is so lucky, he was all over that.

R: Ya and he got to snog her too.

H: That would totally be me if I was the one who was head boy

B: Guy's you really shouldn't be going on like this, especially you Harry and Neville, Neville you have a girlfriend and Harry you are supposed to like Ginny, have a little respect. Plus Harry that wouldn't be you if you were head boy, Hermione is a special kind of person, and she needs someone to challenge her, someone like Draco. Besides he's had a crush on her since the 2nd year you would never have had a chance now that his father is out of the way and he can be his true self.

Hermione looked over at me with a questioning look on her face. "I'll tell you later" I whispered in her ear suddenly extremely nervous. She nodded seeming to accept my answer and listening again.

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