Things Are Changing

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I woke up in Draco's arms again this morning, ever since our talk last month, he has been the most amazing man. I turned towards him resting my head on his chest ready to fall back asleep but I must have woken him up because not a minute later, an arm was rubbing circles on my back. I smiled against his chest and his other arm shaped around my waist pulling me tighter. "Mia I wanna talk to you about something" He said and I looked up to see a nervous look on his face. "Anything, what is it?" I asked placing a light kiss on his chest and resting my head back on it. 

"Well it's just that, I was wondering how you would feel about... meeting my mother." He said as more of a question than a statement. My eyes widened and I propped myself up on an elbow to look at him. "Well, I suppose that would be okay" I told him slightly anxious which he caught on to despite my efforts to hide it. "I promise, you have nothing to be nervous about it's just my mom and she has changed but she was never really that bad in the first place. I promise she will love you" He said trying to make me feel better. "Okay, when?" I asked and he looked away. 

"Well, actually she was wondering if we could come over today for lunch, you know since it's Saturday," He said looking up at the ceiling. "Umm okay, I would be fine with me if it's fine with you" I said and got up kissing him quickly before making my way to the door. I grabbed my clothes from my closet before leaving the room and making my way to the bathroom for a shower. I probably could have used a good hour in there to think and relax but I knew we didn't have that kind of time so I performed my shower routine quickly and got out. 

I looked at my clothes trying to decide if they were the right thing to wear. On the one hand, I wanted to be a good mix between muggle and wizard but on the other hand, I wanted to be comfortable too, and it was chill out. Besides the freak snowstorm, it had mostly been your typical fall weather ever since. I decided on a comfy by presentable Burgundy knit sweater with a pair of jeans and a Burgundy plaid scarf. As I was changing I examined my body in the mirror. Did I gain weight? I definitely looked bigger. I didn't feel very good either. Rolling my eyes I chalked all of it up to nerves. I was almost ready when a wave of realization and emotion hit me. He would never get to meet my mom or dad, the muggle ones anyway... the ones who raised me. The Grangers. I walked out of the bathroom not even looking for Draco, instead, taking a seat on the end of the couch closest to me. Why was I feeling like this, I never cried. I couldn't help it though. I leaned forward putting my face in my hands as my elbows resting on my knees for support. My heart was aching and I couldn't make it stop. This was so bizarre, maybe I was just getting my period, it was due any day now. 

I felt an urgent hand on my back before I felt Draco pull me onto his lap. "Love what's wrong? If you really don't wanna meet my mom that's okay, I understand" He said comforting me "It's not that" I said letting another tear roll down my cheek, trying desperately to control it. "Then what Mia" He asked wiping my face clean. 

"I don't really know I just felt upset that you were never gunna get to meet my parents, the Grangers that is. I don't usually ever cry but out of nowhere I'm just a mess and I can't seem to stop it. I mean it really isn't even that sad" I said and he looked at me catching another tear with his finger. "Aw baby it's okay, stop worrying your pretty little mind," He said hugging me and planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Alright, let's go," I said putting a smile on my face and trying to feel better. "And my mind isn't little," I told him and he laughed hugging me and planting a kiss on top of my head. " I love you, Hermione Granger," He said smiling down at me.

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