Part 4

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Rexy's Pov

I woke up early. This is the first day of shooting. I check my SNS first. And post one of my picture. After that I go to the bathroom and let the water fresh me up.

After a long ceremony of mine I decided to go in the kitchen. I saw Manager Kim preparing my breakfast.

"Good morning" I greet her. She's shock. "What's with the face?" I ask her.

"It's a miracle that you wake up so early" she told me. I just laughed.

"What did you prepare Manager?" I ask her while I'm walking towards her.

"Bacon and egg. Of course juice" she said proudly.

"Wow. Seems new huh." I said sarcastically. She just ignore me and give me a sweet smile. "Let's eat together" I said to her.

"No. You eat first. I will prepare myself." After she said that she kiss me on my forehead and pull me a chair. "Eat now." Then she walk out to the kitchen.

I sit down and get some bacon. After that I drink a little. I'm not in the mood to eat. Maybe I will just drink the juice. After drinking the juice. I decided to keep the leftover foods in the refrigerator.

Since Manager Kim is not yet here I go to the balcony and breathe some fresh air. I take a selfies of myself. I want to post it later. But suddenly I saw his photo. His smiling. Just like his not in pain.

Two years ago.

"Did you see that?" He asked me.

"Huh? What?" I asked him back.

"Nothing Miss. There's no mirror so you definitely can't see it" he said to me while smiling.

"Look, I'm not playing around. Who are you?!" Im angry now. I'm not in a good mood to talk nonsense.

"Im Choi Minho." He simply answered. His still smiling.

"Don't pissed me off!" I answered back. He smiled at me more widened.

"I'm not pissing you off. Actually I'm just here cause you look terrible." He said and give me a friendly look.

"You don't care." I said in a rude way.

"My mom told me that if I talk to someone their business is my business now. It means that I'm already involved." He told me. I just ignore him. "Don't frown your face. There are so many thing for you to smile with." I look at him and our eyes met. I don't know but I feel something inside me. His handsome. No! His perfect.

"Don't stare at me like that. You will never forget this face" he smiled at me. I look at him like a death glare. He just laughed. Then I feel that I'm not mad at all
I'm fine now. I smiled back. Then he held his hand. "Choi Minho"

"Park Rexy" I said. Then gave my hands.

"Nice meeting you." He said to me while holding my hands.

"Nice meeting you too" I said. We laughed after we shake hands.

"Rexy. Rexy." I heard my manager's voice. I look at her.

"Oh. You're here " I said.

"Yea I'm here. Youre the one who's not here. I mean you're physically present but mentally absent dear." She said to me. I just hug her and whispered.

"How I wish I can turn back the time.". Then I removed from the hug.

She smile at me and lead the way to the van.

We're just quite the whole time. Until we reach the place. All the staff are there. And some of the Chinese artists. Everyone introduce themselves and so did I. But my leading man was not here yet. Until a white Ferrari came.

"His here". The director said.

I saw a tall guy from a far. Then he walks toward us.

He looks at me then to the others.

"Hi. I'm Kris. " He said to me.

"I'm Rexy. Nice meeting you Kris" I said. Then we shake hands.

"Nice meeting you too." He said to me. After that, all the staff guide all the actors and actresses to the meeting area. They discuss to us the flow of the movie. All the places that we will be shooting on and so on.

After the meeting everyone go outside and prepare for the first scene.

All of the staff are busy.

"You okay?" Lu Vane ask me.

"I'm startled. I'm fine" I said. I'm shock really.

"Sorry." She laughed a little. "Just relax yourself okay. I will be back." She said to me. I nod. Then I watch her walk. She's pretty. I saw her talking to Kris. They looks close. Then I saw Vane punch Kris in his tummy. Then her phone ring. I'm just watching them when Kris look at my direction. I change my eyes direction. I don't know if he catch me looking at them.

"Rexy and Kris get ready. It's your scene now" the director shout.

I stand up and wait for the cue. Me and Kris standing in front of the grocery. The scene will be goes like this: It's raining and I don't have umbrella. And Kris will run to the grocery since the rain is pouring so hard. As I open the door Kris and I will look at each other's eyes. And etc.

"Cut! Okay good" The director said.

I smile and go to the vacant chair. But suddenly someone's grab me in my hands. And it was Kris. He looks at me then slowly come closer to my ears. I can't move due to shock. Then he comes closer. Then whispered me something.

"I saw you looking at me" then he slowly walk away. I left startled.

I'm not looking at him. I'm looking at Vane. Cause I'm envious at her. That man! He must be out of his mind.!

"Are you okay?" I heard Vane's voice.

"Ye-yeah" I said.

"That bastard. I will kill him later. Sorry for that." Vane said to me. So, she saw what Kris did? Definitely.

"That's okay. You're close with him?" I ask her.

"His my brother" he simply answered.

"Okay. Great job everyone. Let finish today's shooting. See you tomorrow." I heard the director said.

"Rexy" then Manager Kim's voice. "I will wait you to the car" she said . I just nod.

"Sorry again Rexy. Don't worry my brother is a nice person. Well he doesn't look like but he is. Really." She said to me.

"Don't worry I'm fine. Really." I assure her.

"Your so nice. See you tomorrow"  she said to me. And I nod at her the wave my hand.

"Bye" I said.

Then we parted apart. I saw Kris and Vane talking. Kris just laughing. Then look at me. I can't move my eyes so he caught me again. He smiled at me then look to Vane again. I'm so doomed! Great Rexy!

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