part 5

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Rexy's Pov

3 months past and everything is alright. The shooting goes well. And the movie got a highest rate in China and other Asian country. The whole production and crew are so happy.

Curious about Kris and Me? Well, were friends now. His a good man. And she have a girlfriend. He said that he just want to be friends with me that's why he did that awkward action. His really stubborn. Vane and Kris helps me a lot while I'm here in China. And I finally met Vane's husband. His a singer. His famous also. His Lu Han. Well, his also a great man. He really loves Vane. I saw Kris girlfriend also. She's also nice to me. She's a Chinese girl. Well, she's just ordinary girl.

I just have one week left here in China. I have to go back in korea cause I have a photoshoot to make. My stayin here is not bad. It's actually feels great to have new friends.

And now im having a photoshoot today. It's for a new game app here in China. One of the most popular singer composer is with me right now. His Huang Z.Tao. his nice. Actually, I saw him at Kris Birthday celebration. That's why we're not awkward anymore.

"Hey Rexy" Tao called me.

"Hey Tao. Looking good huh" I said. We're wearing costumes right now. Just like anime.

"You too. It fits you well" he said while giggling. Then we laughed.

After a while, the photoshoot starts. And also the MV making. We did our best. And it came out well.

The team are so glad that we did it beyond their expectations.

I saw Tao talking to his phone. I'm just about to say goodbye.
Then he looks at me.

"Baby I will call you later okay?" He said to the phone. Then put it on his pocket. "Hey" he said to me.

"Girlfriend?" I ask. Then he nods. I smiled at him. " She miss you a lot" I said.

"She is" he said then smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Her name?" I ask him

"Renalyn" he said. "She's a Filipina." Then smiled.

"Wow. That's awesome Tao. Congrats brother." I said to him

"Thank you. By the way, do you have something to say right?"

"Yeah. I will just say goodbye." I said to him.

"Oh. I forget. Your going back." He said. I nod and smile. "Always take care of yourself sister. Okay?" He said to me. I nod my head again. " Keep in touch" then he hugs me. I hug him back. Then after that we parted away.

I go to the van. I saw Manager Kim sleeping. She must be tired. I talk to the driver and give him instruction.

"I will just go to my friend's house. I will just take a cab. Send her home." Then I go outside. The van move on. And I call a cab.

After a couple of minutes I'm already at Vane's place.

"Rexy". She said to me. "I'm about to go in your place. Come in"

"Well, I'm just here cause I will go back to Korea tomorrow." I said. She pout. And it makes me laugh a bit.

"I will miss you." She said.

I will miss you too. All of you." I said to her. Then we hug.

A later on, the buzzer ring. It must be Luhan. But to my surprise it's Luhan and Kris.

"Youre here." Kris said.

"Yes I am" I answered him sarcastically. Everyone laughed.

"You're going back tomorrow right?" Luhan asked me.

"Yeah" I simply answer.

"3 months has been past." Kris said.

"Right. I didn't realize it. Since I saw the plane tickets." I said to them and laugh a bit. They also laughed.

"Hows the shooting? Is Tao good to you" Kris ask me

"He will be good to Rexy" Luhan from the kitchen said.

"His good to me" I said.

"Your the only one who's not good to her at first." Vane said.

"I'm not good. I'm the best" Kris said. I heard Luhan's laughed. Vane and I laughed also.

"You scared her idiot." Vane said to Kris.

Kris looks at me.

"Did I scared you?" He ask me while laughing.

"Lil" then I gesture in my hand

Everyone laughed. After that Luhan came out from the kitchen with a juices in the tray. Vane helps him. Kris took out the pizza that they bought. We ate while talking. The room filled a loud laughter of us. This is the moment I will be treasure for the rest of my life. Moments of friendship. After 4 hours of talking. I have to say goodbye. I hug them all before I go out. Kris wants to drive me home but I declined his offer. It's out of the way. I better to take a cab.

After minutes past. I already reach the house. I go to the room of manager Kim and I found her fixing her things. I didn't disturb her. I just go to my to room and change my clothes. I saw my things are already packed. The only things left is the clothes that I will wear tomorrow. And the clothes I will wear right now. I fix my dirty clothes. After that I go to bed. I grab my phone and text manager that im already home and I want to sleep. She replies to me saying okay. As I put my phone in my bag I saw my wallet. I remember the purple paper plane. I look at it. And it remind me that cheerful lovely kid. I put it on my wallet again.

"See you soon lovely Keisha." I whispered. Then suddenly I feel my eyes close. And everything went black. I'm so tired and sleeping will help me to recharge.


Two years ago

It's been 4 months since Minho and I became friends. We hang out most of the time. His a very good friend of mine. Sometimes I don't understand myself. I feel something in him. But I dont want to admit it. His not saying anything. And I don't want ti make our situation awkward.

"I'm so tired!" I said to Minho. "Rehearsal here , rehearsal there. Film here, film there. I'm so dead." Then I look at him. His laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I ask him sarcastically.

"I'm not laughing. I'm listening." Then he act like his seriously listening to me.

"Whatever" I exclaim. He laughed.
"Want some ice cream?" He said to me. He really know my weakness.

"I'm on a diet." I said jokingly.

"Okay"  then shrugged his head.

"Tsssss. I'm just kidding okay. Let's buy ice cream" I said to him. Then stand up.

"I'm on a diet" he said to me jokingly. I know his just imitating me. But he suddenly stand up and smiled at me. "Let's go"

We go to the nearest ice cream parlor. I ate lots of chocolate ice cream.

"Super stress?" He ask me. I ignore him. I'm busy eating my ice cream. " Yes she's stress" he answered himself. I look at him then laughed. His so cute. I felt my heart beats fast. I look away and focus to my ice cream. It can't be! I mean. I can't be in love! I heard Minho's voice saying something but I just ignore him. I'm blushing. I can't look at him right now....

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