part 15

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Before I went home I decided to visit Keisha first. I told my driver to drop me to her address. Minutes past and I'm already here. I push the door bell button, then later while one of the made open the gate.

"Hello. I'm looking for Keisha" I said to the maid. She's just looking at me then suddenly.

"Park Rexy!" She scream in excitement. I look around. Then nod my head.

"Lower your voice" I said to her. She looks around then look at me.

"Sorry. Come in Miss. Rexy" she told me. I smiled at her. She lear the way inside. When she open the door.I saw Keisha talking someone over the phone.

"Is it hurt?" She said to her caller "you must be resting now then," she continue. Then pause for a while. "I know. I'm a big girl now" she said. I can't control myself not to giggled. She's really adorable. She turn her head to my direction and she looks happy seeing me. "Oppa I'll call you later. Take a rest now. I love you." She said then immediately end the call. "Unnie" she scream. She run over me and give me a hug.

"Hi young princess" I said then touch her cheek.

"I'm so surprised. I didn't expect your visit" she said to me. I smiled at her.

"Well, I miss you so much. Since I know where you live I made a surprise visit" I said to her. She smiling at me sweetly. She looks really happy. "You love it right?" I ask her.

"I do love it" she answered me. "Can you spend until dinner here?" She ask me. I nod my head. She scream in joy.

Keisha and I played a lot. And now she's teaching me how to create some object using claydo.

"Ow man, it's hard" I said to her. She giggled. Then I see her work. It's incredible. She's just 7 and she can do something like this. Awesome.

"It's just easy. Just focus" she told me like an old lady.

"You're more strict than my manager" I said to her while laughing. She laugh back.

"When you want something you have to do some effort. So that it will be done in the way you imagine it be" she said to me. I started. I look at her. She's still busy creating a palace. This kid is really one of a kind. I feel that she's more matured than I am. I smiled in my thought.

"Okay. I will try to focus" I said to her. Waiting for her answer. I love how the way she talks. She looks at me then stop in what she doing.

"Don't try. I know you can do it. Maybe you're just afraid to the result. But still, do it" she said to me. I giggled. I look in her eyes.

"Yes so-young-but-talks-mature-lady" I said to her. She giggled.

I try to focus on creating my own master piece. And Keisha's right I can do it. :)

"I told you. :)" She said to me. I look at her then gave her a hug.

Then the door open. I saw a beautiful lady wearing office suite.

"Mommy" Keisha said. She run to her mom and gave her a kiss.

"Hi" I said. She looks at me then smile. "I just visit her" I added.

"Oh. Thank you. Is she good to you?" She ask me while smiling at me.

"She's great. Actually, I feel that I'm talking with the same age of mine" I giggled. She laugh a little.

"She got that with his uncle." She said to me. "You know what she really likes you." She added. I look to Keisha and she's just smiling at me.

"Really? Wow. Thank you so much" I said to them.

"By the way my name is Nen" she said.

"Nice meeting you ma'am. Park Rexy" I said.

"I already knew you" she said to me. "Keisha show me the pictures of yours. I mean your pictures together" she said then we giggled.

I spend to Keisha's house until dinner. We talk about so much things. And I really love how she talks like an adult. I said my goodbye to them and I promise that I will visit her next time. I'm on my way home when Krystal text me.

*You have to go in the school tomorrow. There is an important announcement - Krystal Jung.

*Okay. Thanks for the info. See you tomorrow. - Park Rexy.

I'm finally home. When I go inside I didn't see Manager Kim. So, I went to my room. I change my clothes and lay to my bed for a while. Then I heard the door open from the living room. I immediately go downstairs and I saw Manager.

"Where have you been?" I ask her.

"You're early" she said to me. I just wait for her to answer my question. "Okay fine. I went to the company. CEO is asking me about you." She said.

"What did you answered?" I ask her.

"I told her that you're doing great" she said.

"What?" I ask her. "What do you mean great?" I added. She looks at me.

"Darling chill. I know you're suffering right now cause you don't know how to sing but I'm sure that you can handle that. You're Rexy" she told me.

"So, what are plans?" I ask her again. I know somethings not right now.

"They want you to attend....ahm.." she can't continue

"Attend what manager?" I ask her. I'm about to explode.

"Variety show darling. Variety show." She said.

"You know I hate attending those kind of show" I said. She close her eyes then sit down.

"I know. But I can't do anything now. It's the CEO's order." She told me. I understand.

"Okay. So, when?" I ask her. She looks at me in disbelief. Then smiled.

"I knew you will do it." She said excitedly. "It will be on Friday night" she said to me. "You still have two days to prepare." Manager Kim said.

"Okay. Just inform me who will be the other artists that the show invited." I said to her. I left her to the living room and go to my room. I'm not in the mood to talk now.

I hate variety shows. Why? Cause I hate seeing how fake the artists are. -.- in variety show you have to smile all the time. You have to laugh even though there's noting to laugh with. You have to do some stuff you don't want to do. It means, it's not my thing. I think I will just forget it first.

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