Chapter 30

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Lucas's point of view

                                                                          Lucas's point of view

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^^^Cove (15)^^^

I was driving back home as quickly as possible. All the children were wide awake screaming their lungs out. As soon as I pulled up into the drive putting the car in park I slammed the door shut, aggravated about all the screaming children in my van. When I open the door I can immediately hear the children wailing. I unbuckle all of them leaving all of them in the car seats to pick them up when I was ready. I picked up Charles and Thomas setting them outside the van as I got Oscar and Ricky. I once again went back into the van picking up Patrick I shut the door.

I looked down as my kids wiped their tear stained cheeks. I picked up Ricky and kept ahold of Patrick. "Come one guys. Follow me." I told the boys in a sweet voice. It took as a while before we were in front of the door. I kicked it hoping someone would answer. It was sometime in the afternoon and the kids were pretty hungry; that's why they were crying. I had to wait a few minutes before some guy opened the door.

As soon as I saw him and didn't recognize him, I kicked him in his balls making me cringe just from doing it. I then turned to leave thinking that the damn humans took Red's family.I didn't get far before I felt strong hands on my shoulder. I couldn't fight with the boys in my hands. I set them done since the guy didn't seem to mind that I would do it, like he wanted a fight. Once I turned to face him I didn't even wait before I punched him.He held his jaw as he stumbled away looking shocked. I didn't wait to kick his legs under him, since he was a big guy he went done with a crash. I jumped on top of him giving him punch after punch on his jaw. I watched as blood seeped from his mouth.

"Stop!" I heard a girl shout but I didn't listen, my boys might be in danger. I kept hitting the man until I felt hands on me making me hit them. I heard a scream. I turned and saw Red holding her eye with tears already streaming from her eyes.

"I'm sorry Red." I said trying to help her up but she got up herself walking away slamming the front door on her way. Damn, I was thinking of having another kid with her, but I guess I just ruined that chance. I turned looking for my boys, but to see them being held by a few guys I didn't know. I walked up to each of them. Taking my boys out of their hands and setting them on the ground, but keeping Ricky and Patrick in my arms. I had placed the boys behind me to make it to where I could protect them. I growled when one of the guys tried to come close to us, his white hair making him the most noticeable.

"Don't growl at me boy." I narrowed my eyes at the kid that looked younger then me with squinted eyes as he came even closer to my children. I watched as he lifted his hand to stroke Patrick's black hair, but I turned to where Patrick was further from him then he was. "I'm not going to hurt him." He said looking me in the eyes as He tried again, but still I shifted to where he couldn't touch him.

"I don't care if you tell me you're not gonna hurt him. I don't know you, so I don't trust you. So don't come near my children." I hissed every word making sure he knew I meant business. I groaned when the children started crying again. I turned to deal with my children. I walked into the house once I told them there was food inside and if they wanted it they'd have to start walking there.

As I passed the living room with the boys hot on my heels I saw my siblings. "Hey, guys." I acknowledged them as I passed them to get to the kitchen.

"Do you know them?" The boy with white hair asked as he picked up Oscar and Thomas. I put down Patrick and Ricky to save my other children from this man I didn't know. I grabbed them as soon as he had them on his hips. "Why won't you let me help you with your kids?" He asked as he patted Charles's head.

"Because I don't know you." I said as I put my leg in front of Charles and slowly pulled him closer to his brothers. "And yes. I do know them. Their my family, I told them to come here since some humans broke into the house I had them staying in. It's safer for them if they're here."

"You can trust him, Lucas. He's our great grandfather." Dew said as she came over picking up Patrick and Charles.

"He doesn't look like an old man. Yeah his hair is white but that's pretty much as far as aging got with him." I said skeptically watching as he picked up Ricky.

"Thank you." He said as he started following Dew into the kitchen with my son. I grunted at him still not trusting him. When we were in the kitchen I began to place the children on chairs, some needed extra things under them.

"Addison!" I shouted hoping my sister knew what to feed them to make them stop crying. She walked in with Todd and Tina on her hips. Molly followed close behind her. I watched as she made food for them. Crushing fruits into different bowls for each child, even making some for the other children, soon Dew helped. Red came down and help as she held an ice pack on her eye as she did. I caught her arm and apologized for hurting her. She nodded her head not completely taking the apology.

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