Chapter 15

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                                                                               River's point of view

                                                                               River's point of view

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                                                                              ^^^River (11)^^^

I had a date with Connor. He was going to pick me up in a couple of minutes. It was the first date since we were put into lockdown. I was sneaking out the window. We were going to walk to McDonald's. Not the fanciest restaurant but I don't mind since I love Connor. We were going to get married. River Lockwood, had a nice ring to it, doesn't it? We were going to have two children. The boy would be named Zachery, named after his father. And the girl will be called Sunshine, after my mother. I couldn't wait until we were able to grow old together.

I climbed out my window where Connor was waiting for me. He kissed me on the check then grabbed my hand. We walked in comfortable silence, holding hands. McDonald's wasn't far. Once there we walked up to the counter since no one was really here. As Connor order, since he already knew what I wanted, I looked around. I saw a few customers.

Connor started pulling me away from the counter holding a tray of food in the other hand towards a booth. I sat down as he passed my food towards me.

"So why haven't you been in school?" He asked starting the conversation.

"Family matters." I stated without missing a beat. Knowing he can't know the complete reason.

"Oh. Well when are you coming back?" He asked sounding disappointed. I just shrugged to answer his question. He nodded his head then we ate in silence. It sounded a bit awkward.

"We can go to the park after this." He said then took another bite of his food. I nodded my head at him. He finished a few seconds before I did. Once we were both finished we got up to leave. We threw our trash away as we walked out.

We began our walk to the park that was right next to McDonald's in silence. When we arrived we looked at each other before we let our child selves out. We raced to the swings.

"I can go higher!" I shouted as I began pushing myself higher and higher with Connor close behind.

"No I can!" He shouted just as loud.I giggled at our childish behaviour.

We had played for hours. By now it was around midnight. We were sitting on the merry-go-round. "I love you, River." Connor randomly said.

"I love you too, Connor." I told him back staring in his eyes. He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. It looked a little saddened.

"Come here. I want to show you something." He jumped off the merry-go-round. He grabbed my hand when I hopped off. "Close your eyes and keep them closed until I say." I closed my eyes. He then went behind me, I knew because I felt his breath on my ear.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I almost tripped on a rock but thankfully he didn't let me fall on the ground. We walked a few more minutes before I felt his hands leave my shoulders. "Connor? Can I open my eyes? Connor? Connor?! Connor, where are you?" I asked with worry leaking in my voice.

"Don't worry I'm right here. Don't open your eyes yet. I'm getting the surprise ready." I heard his voice a bit further from where I was.

I soon felt a hand go over my mouth. I tried to scream for Connor, but the hand wouldn't let a single noise come through. I felt tears stream down my face. I was panicking and panicking is bad when you're trying to fight off a bigger guy. I started kicking at his ankles. Trying to bite through the rag over my mouth. Anything that I could to get me free. What if you got Connor? Are they only after me and just knocked Connor out? Hopefully he'll get help from my sisters. I was scared. I hope they don't hurt me or Connor. I slowly lost conscience. Letting the darkness consume me. I hope Connor will get some help. 

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