I shed tears writing this chapter!! Its upsetting but FUN! enjoy lovelies! Comment!
The door bell rings and I anxiously answer the door, hoping that Josh brings good news.
I smile at him, hoping for a Kiss.. But he doesn't..
I lead him upstairs.
"It's over. I don't like you any more. I'm into this hot girl called Brittany." He says.
"We slept together the other night! You can't just give up on me!" I yell!
I'm going to the bathroom." I say.
As I walk to the bathroom, I'm shaking. I open the cupboards and open a new pregnancy testing tube. I do my business.
Just as I thought life was getting better! I'm freaking pregnant! With a guy who just broke up with me! I wanna go kill my self.
I walk out with the pregnancy test tube in my hand. "Josh, you need to go." I say. He walks up to me, grabs the test out of my hand and looks at me in my eyes.
"Madison. What can I say?" He says and walks out.
I lock my door and sob my eyes out. Sob after sob after sob.
I'm pregnant. I might not only be famous for Dance Moms, BUT FRIKING 16 and pregnant! I'm going to be single, with a child! Maybe not even a mom! I probably need to drop the baby. No, I can't.
What if?
What if?
What If?
What if?
What if?
What If?
What if?
What if?
What If?
Going through my head.
I FaceTime Chloe.
"Hey honey! What's up?" Chloe says.
I burst into tears. "Chloe, you need to come over now. Please.. I really need you right now."
"Okay, I'm coming Madz. It's alright."
Chloe's POV:
I knock on Maddie's door and she answers. I hug her and follow her into her room.
"Baby, what's wrong? Are you alright?"
"I..I'm pregnant.. And Josh left me." I cry my eyes out.
"April fools?" She asks me.
I shake my head. "It's December. I'm completely honest."
She lies me down and shakes me gently, like a little baby.
"What happened?" She asks.
"He came over. The first words he said to me were: 'Its over. I don't like you any more. I'm into this hot girl called Brittany.' Or something like that. I got anxious because earlier my stomach hurt. I realized we slept together. I went to check. I got a teenagers biggest fear at 16. He saw it. And he left." I say through sobs.
"Honey, I will always be here for you. It's alright.. He might come back. Besides, you have your mom, me, Kenz, your dad.." Chloe comforts me.
"Moms going to die! It's obvious! She slept for about 4 hours today, and couldn't get up from the sofa. And I haven't told anyone but you and Josh!" I say to her.
"You need to tell them! Come on Madz. You have to. You can't keep it a secret forever. Come with me." Chloe says, leading the way.
She walks to mom and says, "Hello Melissa! How are you getting along?" Chloe asked, cheery as ever.
"Hey honey, I didn't see you come in! I'm alright thanks dear." She says, treating Chloe like a baby.
"What's wrong Madison?" Mom asks.
Chloe gives me the: go-on-you-can-tell-her-and-I-will-help-you-out look.
"Josh broke up with me... And I'm .. I guess I'm sort of pregnant..." I say, stuttering and ten for the 4th time, crying.
She hugs me gently but doesn't say anything.
She seems supportive but very disappointed.
"Why Maddie? At the worst time. An expected child when your mom is probable to die!"
She accidentally blurts out. I can see that she sees that I understand what She is saying.
"Chloe and I will take your for a check-up to make sure it's certain that you're pregnant right after you tell the ALDC Dream Team."
Chloe nods.

Dance Moms - Maddie's Struggle
FanfictionMaddie may be the best dancer in the group... But she has a secret. She is battling anorexia, but can't admit it. Her mother seems nice and friendly, however is never there for her. The dance mom girls all go a competition camp, however as a result...