A/N: How is it? GO TO MY MESSAGE BOARD NOW! BE IN MY BOOK! Enjoy! Thanks also to you Buzzybee332 for support!
Just as I go and grab my M&M's from the kitchen, I hear a knock on the door. I pause, make sure I look good and open the door.
"Hey Josh." I say to him, a hint of glamour and excitement.
"Hey honey. How are you feeling?" Josh asks me - giving me a little slight hug.
"Getting there. Im going for an ultra sound on Wednesday."
"Maddie. I never wanted this to happen. I - I owe you an apology. I'm sorry. Why did I need to do this? You have been a beautiful girl. Even though we were never really... Well I guess I can call it "together". But I want to go the step further. I can give you some time to think." Josh says, not pausing. I can really tell he wants me back.
We walk upstairs.
"Josh, I want nothing more than that. But I'm having twins now! I need you to know what I can't have is you walking in and out. 'I want you.' 'No I don't.' Josh, do you really want this. Are you ready to spend a lifetime with me
And my - sorry, our children?"
"Any minute." Josh says.
A smile begins to crawl up my face. We jump on the bed and begin kissing. He takes my top off. Then suddenly he stops.
He points at my bruises. "What's this? Has someone done this."
"Erm.. Well, uh. I... N - um..." I stutter.
"Madison?" He exclaims, asking me for a second time.
"Oh! M&M's! I forgot them downstairs.
Josh's POV:
Maybe I can ask Chloe. Her and Maddie are close. Ill let it go tonight and ask Chloe later.
A minute later Maddie comes through the door with a bowl of M&M's, some Crispy Thins and 2 cups with punch in them.
"I won't let this go honey, but for tonight.. I will compromise a little" I say, smirking at her.
The rest of the night was amazing.
Movies, chat, conversation.
"So," Maddie starts, throwing an M&M in her mouth. "What sort of names do you like. We don't know boy or girl yet.. But let's think for both.
I come up with a few and Maddie does too.
Here's a list.
The ones we both really like as a few of our favorites are:
Eleanor, Kate, Katrina, Alex, Nathan and Lucas.
We'll just wait and see - I guess.
The next Day!
Chloe's POV:
Today both Nia and Josh approached me.
"Hey guys. Um - what do you need?"
"I need to talk to you about Maddie." Josh says.
"Weird. Me too." Nia agrees.
"And? What about her?"
"I.. Me and her are back together-"
Josh says, interrupted.
"YAY YAY YAY Congratulations!" Nia and I scream!
"Anyway, I saw last night that she has cuts and bruises all over her body.. I thought she might be getting abused. We both thought you might know about it?" Josh continued.
"Oh my goodness. Me too! I haven't seen them - but I've heard about them. I think it's her mom."
Nia says following on.
"I have been over. Her mom yells, abuses and constantly argues with her. I didn't want to take action straight away incase I was wrong ... So I sorta stole her phone. Here." I get her phone out and scroll through the messages.
"I knew it." Josh says, anxiously.
"So, what do you suggest we do?" Nia asks.
"Talk to someone.." Chloe says.
"Children Talkline Home Issues. They're known to talk to people about home issues, and sort them out." Josh insists.
"But Melissa has cancer! Let the poor woman live her life." Nia feels the urge to say.
"Ni, they're not going to kill her! They won't keep her hostage. They might give a fine or something.." I say. The Truth is.. They might put her in jail. Who knows?!
"Alright. Starbucks tomorrow. 3:30 sharp."Chloe says.
"Can't. Maddie's going for her ultra-sound tomorrow. I'm going with her at 12:00 for check up and then 3:00 for ultra sound. How about 5:30?" Josh compromised.
We all agree.
We dismiss and go our separate ways.

Dance Moms - Maddie's Struggle
FanfictionMaddie may be the best dancer in the group... But she has a secret. She is battling anorexia, but can't admit it. Her mother seems nice and friendly, however is never there for her. The dance mom girls all go a competition camp, however as a result...