- Beep Beep - Beep Beep -
I hear my computer Skype tone ring. I quickly start it up, and answer.
It's Chloe.
"Hey Mads! Are you excited for the trip?!" Chloe asks me over the call.
"Hey Chlo - Bird! Oh my goodness, YES! I was going to ask you, we can pack over Skype. Later I'll pick you up! Sleep at my place, and mom will take us for the trip tomorrow! Sound alright?" I respond to her.
"Great! Let me go ask mom."
She leaves in front of the camera and I can hear Clara making "Goo-Goo, Gaa-Gaa" sounds.
All of a sudden, Chloe comes back and says, "My mom is going to call your mom. Alright, should we get packing?"
"Okay, sounds good to me!" I say to her.
••••• By the way, None of the girls know Maddie's struggle so she acts normal with them. •••••
------- 1 hour later ------
"Okay, let's go through this:
•Dance training outfits?
•Dance wear?
•Knickers and socks?
•Bikinis? "
"Check to all of them!" I respond.
"Hmm, same here!" Chloe says.
|||||| Knock Knock ||||||
"Kenz, Go away!!" I yell.
Mom opens the door and says, "It's me. Oh, hey Chlo! Just came to let you know that Christi is coming to drop you off here, we'll enjoy a last dinner and Chloe will sleep over. We'll take you tomorrow."
"Thanks Melissa!!" Chloe says from the Skype call.
"No worries sweetheart."
"Thankyou mom."
"That's alright." Mom smiled.
•~•~•~• Dinner time •~•~•~•
"Girls, I'll miss you so much! Months away from you. Naw!" Mom (Melissa says. )
"Um, yeah mom. I'll miss you too!" I say, blushing.
"I'll miss you momma!" Kenzie says, hugging mom.
"Chloe, I love you... And I'll miss you but I want you to go and do your best. You too Madz and Kenz." Christi says.
"I love you too, and believe me.. I will." Chloe answers back.
"We will Christi." Kenz and I say.
Melissa and Christi both smile.

Dance Moms - Maddie's Struggle
أدب الهواةMaddie may be the best dancer in the group... But she has a secret. She is battling anorexia, but can't admit it. Her mother seems nice and friendly, however is never there for her. The dance mom girls all go a competition camp, however as a result...