It all comes out

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A/N: Thank you to Maderz10 for your feedback and mainly ashleyliveitup3 for all your feedback, ideas and support! It means a lot!

By the way, during all the dance chapters, Lifetime is still recording therefore Dance Moms is on air and they're filming for it.

Enjoy the chapter! Xx

Maddie's POV:

I decided that I wanted to have a quiet word to Miss Abby about last weeks competition piece that I performed. How does she expect me to get a #1 win with a sort of routine with very little tricks and challenges.

I put all my stuff in the dancers den and I walk up to the front desk where Gia was.

"Hey Gia, where's Abby?" I ask her.

She tells me that she's in Studio A working on pyramid and I must knock before I go in.

I came earlier today because it was important that I spoke to her about this. I'm back to normal.

I knock on the door and I hear Abby yell out to come in.

"Hey Abby!" I say when opening the door, then shutting it again.

"Hi, can I help?" Abby responds to me in concern.

"Um yeah, I would like to speak to you about last weeks competition." I say.

"Go ahead."

"Last week, my piece was absolutely too easy. I want a challenging one that will actually get me first place, not fifth."

"I know, but I gave you what you could handle. Second place choreography. All due to the fact that Chloe is my best dancer. She deserves better choreography for her to win first! Not you, her." Abby defensively said.

"But.. w-why do you set it up like that? You give fair and square choreography which could potentially win in to aspects and share it out between the girls. Then you can be the judge and decide who is a better dancer." I say.

"That's not how it goes around here. You missed at least 10 months of dance. Things have changed. We don't wait for you to come back. Don't let your love life mess with your dancing reputation. And don't ever let it ruin mine. Chloe is the best dancer, it won't change."

I speed walk out of the room not saying a word back. The girls should be coming very soon, so I go on my phone and pretend that I'm playing games but think.

How could Chloe do this to me?
How could ABBY do this to me?
Why, what have I ever done? I am an amazing dancer, I don't deserve this. Abby needs to learn that if the judges think I'm a better dancer and they vote me higher than Chloe than I am.
But, that hasn't happened. There goes my broadway dream with Chloe. Just when I thought things would change, and turn better.

"Maddie! Hey, I have brilliant news!" Chloe ran up to me. I stand up, grab my stuff, completely ignoring the fact that Chloe is there, let alone the fact that she spoke to me and go to the bathroom to change into my dance crop top and booty shorts. I run into a cubical and lock myself in.

Seconds later, I hear the squeaky door open and shut again.

"Um, Maddie? I just spoke to you." Chloe says, in an annoyed tone of voice.

I decide I am going to do a silent treatment. I am going to pretend shes not there when I see her, and not hear her when she speaks.

I grab my clothes, unlock the door, walk out and ignore her. I put all my clothes into my big ALDC bag and walk into Studio A. Minutes later, Chloe follows. All the girls were in there when I came in.

"Okay, welcome everyone! We have a big day ahead so we'll make this quick. Pyramid."

"On the bottom is Kendall.
You had absolutely no expression in the group dance and the energy should have been hitting the scale, but not the bottom one. The highest scale."

"Next is Maddie. Normally I would put someone lower on the pyramid because their mother would speak up and, should I say 'attack' or 'fight' against me about how I teach and instruct my dancers. I would have put you higher on the pyramid but I had to make a few alterations after your attack against me this morning. Not a good start, is it?"

"Next is Paige. You did well, but more enthusiasm."

"On the second row is Mackenzie, personally I think you did a wonderful job and it deserved first place - and then I saw that girl called Victoria and I changed my mind. 2nd place? The first to lose."

"Next is Brooke, amazing job! Your acrobatic routine was stunning! You worked so hard to get it perfect! 2nd place though?"

"On top of the pyramid is Chloe! An all out dedication fulfilled routine with a pile of effort put into it. You earned first place!!"

Everyone claps except for me. Nia looks at me and I look rudely at her. I scowled at her.

"Group dance, we have an acrobatic routine called Beautiful Day. Everyone will be involved."

"I have 2 solos, Brooke, an acro/lyrical one and Chloe, a jazz one."

"I will have a trio. That will be Paige, Chloe and Maddie."

Ugh. Fantastic.

"Before I dismiss the moms and we get into practice, I want to tell you all some news. Tomorrow, I am holding an open call audition for anyone who wants to become part of the ALDC. None of you are safe, except.. maybe a few of you. I will let you know after practice as I will have a meeting with Gia in lunch break. You're all dismissed. Girls, start stretching!"

"I'm going to start off with the trio, so if you're not in the trio, go off to studio B to practice your acrobatic tricks please."

We all round up to Abby and she tells us about our contemporary routine.

We get halfway into it but Abby can't go 2 minutes without yelling - "Maddie, straighten those toes!", "Facial expressions Maddie!", "What's that energy? Get enthusiastic Maddie!", Etc.

I decide that I can't go on with it any longer.

"Alright, Miss Abby. I'm out of this Trio. Make it a duet. I can't act like you aren't taking a care out of my system! And I can't act like we, yes I'm talking about Chloe, are friends! If she's your number 1 dancer and I'm just another reeking dancer then kick me on out of here! She isn't anywhere as skilled as I am. She can go on with her dream here. But not will I."

And as simple as that, I storm out of the room. I see through the glass, Chloe wipes a tear from her eye.

Dance Moms - Maddie's StruggleWhere stories live. Discover now