Thank you to all my fans! Your support makes me so happy! Thank you! Especially taylorremilyy, they're so sweet a inspiring! Thanks munchkin!
Okay, enjoy the chapter! Ily all!
Chloe's POV:
Maddie. There she is. She has tears streaming all the way down her eyes, they're all red and puffy.
Mom is standing right next to her with a hand on her shoulder. She's devastated. The way she looks right now. Im not being rude in anyway. What I'm saying is they look run down, and I am trying to work out if its all my fault.
I explained to Jennifer on the way here that I am taking her to my home, and to sort out we're she can stay and what's going to happen. She seems pretty keen. Anyway, back to the moment.
"Mom! Maddie!" I blubber through tears, I am so excited and happy to see them. A weight has been lifted of my shoulder.
I give them both a huge hug and we talk for a little bit about what happened. Maddie explains that she's sorry and she didn't mean it, mom was wondering what was wrong and it came across as a shock when I wasn't home.
During that time, I also introduced Jennifer. We spoke about her for a bit, and sorted some things out.
It turns out that Jennifer's mom was an alcoholic and was drinking and drugging when Jennifer wasn't yet born which made her premature.
Her mother was locked up for that reason and her father was the only one there for her.
Well, what happened was they made Jen, and they didn't know of it. When she was born and the mother was locked away, they searched for the father. Turns out Jason - the father didn't know and she didn't tell him.
A few years ago, Jason passed away in a motor vehicle accident and Jen has been moving around the country forever without anyone, or anything.
That story really touched me.
We discuss and Jennifer can stay with us for now. I spoke to mom about her being a dancer and she said she might be able to dance at the ALDC soon.
Afterwards, we settled down and got to bed.
Mom came in later in the night and gave me a cuddle and a little speech. She told me how much she loves me, and how much I mean to her.
The next morning...
I got up and 6.00 and had a shower. I wanted to get up before Clara and Jennifer so they could get ready too. By the time I finish the shower and put my robe on, I walk into the bedroom to get today's outfit and Jennifer's up.
"Hey Jen!! Just getting ready for dance! How did you sleep?" I ask her.
"Better than I have ever slept in the last 2 years and 178 days! That's for sure!" She jokes and we both laugh.
"Hey, want to wear one of my dance leotards or 2 piece training wear?" I ask her. "I'll be wearing my custom-made leotard, so the choice is yours!"
She picks out a blue crop top and black booty shorts.
She thanks me, too.
We go out and have breakfast then were on out way.
I explain to Jennifer about the ALDC, and I don't miss anything. From Abby, to top national winners. Everything!
When we arrive, Abby is at the front desk. Mon speaks to Abby about Jennifer and Abby keeps nodding her head.
"Okay, I'll let you stay for today. If you're a good addition to the team, you can stay. If not, you're going to have to sit out and watch." Abby negotiates with mom and Jen.
Clara goes to her junior section and we go off to the girls.
After introducing an discussing everything, we get into the Studio.
"Alrighty girls, you all now know about Jennifer. We need to run the group routine, go through the solos and perfect them. Everyone go stretch, I'm going to test Jennifer." Abby yells out.
I pat Jennifer on the back and whisper, "Good luck".
I'm half doing my stretching and half watching Jen. Better yet, quarter doing my stretches and 3 quarters watching. Jen is like Brooke and like me and Maddie. She's very acrobatic and flexible. She's amazing at that, and her strengths are lyrical and Jazz. She's sort of like Kenzie too because she's got that upbeat rhythm.
I hear Abby talking to her and Jen smiling but I can't quite get out what she's saying.
I hear, this week, I'll see how you go, judge, goodluck.
I make it out to be, 'For this week, I'll see how you go. I'll judge your technique. Good luck.' If she does well, she's on the team?
Later when were rehearsing the group, Jen sat out the first run through. She was watching very closely and paying attention. The second time round, Abby placed her in the second row next to Brooke and Nia.
The group was amazing and Jen added an extra.. blitź. Later, we ran the solos. Maddie was great, and so was I, I guess.
Later on, Mom took me to my meet and greet. She took Jen back gone and I met up with Maddie. We both got lost where were meant to be but eventually we found our way.
We got our seats and then the fully armed and equipped guards opened the glass doors. So quickly, fans filled up.
My first one, surprisingly in Pittsburgh was an Australian girl. She explained that she couldn't wait 4 months for us to come so he came here on her way to another trip. I was surprised but she said that Australia had a lot of fans, rounding to the amount of here. Ohio had a few too.
I loved meeting fans. I took so many photos so I know I need to post a few later.
I got so many gifts too! At the end, there were a few rough ones.
They were Candy Apples.
"Hi girls. Your dance last week, don't you think it was a little.. bad I mean, those turns? And flips, were so off. My boys and girls are so much better than yours" Cathy said in her insanely annoying voice.
Instead of being polite and ignoring her, I decide to claw back.
"Oh, so the cat strikes again. Don't critique us before you see your dancers. Ah, also, you have a little something on your face. Oh no, it's just guilt." I say back.
Maddie gets what I am doing so she start. "What are you even doing here? Don't have any fans to attend your meet and greet? Cats have, like 9 live or something. Aren't you on, like your 10th?"
The guards then come and pull Cathy away.
I high five Maddie and smile.
Lucky nobody was around then because that's when we were just closing.
When were about to go, Abby comes in with a massive smile on her face.
She told us that she just found out about what we did! She said she was so proud of us. You know what, so am I.
So later on, when we got home there was a message left on Moms phone from Cathy.
It was apologizing for today's behavior and she doesn't want conflict between us.
I had a text from the Candy Apple Dancers like Victoria and the boys, they said that they were apologizing on behalf of Cathy.
Too little, too late.
I texted the girls too because I wanted a girls night.
To: Brooke, Kendall, Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Paige.
Subject: Slumber Party!
Girlies, my place on Saturday for a sleepover slumber party! It's a pool party, sleepover slumber so bring everything you may need.
See you then!
Christi and Chloe x
Mom approved of the text and sent it to the girls moms while I did the girls.
- : - : - : - :
On Saturday...
I have finished decorating all the tables of food, cleaning to pool and the house. I set up the spare room with area for the slumber party and sleeping area. Jennifer is also here helping me.
I look at the clock and see that people should start arriving soon.
When all the girls arrive, we head down into the pool.
The warm, blissful water glimmers in the sunlight as I dip my feet in slowly, one by one.
I take a step, feeling the water rise from one level of the body to another. Following are the other girls. The hot, mounty sun hits.
"This is awesome!" Paige says in delight.
The girls settle in the water and I switch on the lights. The water turns different colors in several seconds.
I float on my back for a while, thinking about the past.
I often don't consider my self famous, just well liked and known. I hate it being know for fame than the inner person inside of me, like my personality and my kind spirit.
As I wake up from my daydream, Mom calls us out of the pool for some news.
"Girls, Abby Lee is in hospital!"
Cliff hanger! Haha!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
How can I improve!?
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Dance Moms - Maddie's Struggle
FanfictionMaddie may be the best dancer in the group... But she has a secret. She is battling anorexia, but can't admit it. Her mother seems nice and friendly, however is never there for her. The dance mom girls all go a competition camp, however as a result...