I realise that I have let my fans down. Some of them - okay, maybe most of them. But these things happen in life. I didn't want this either. I decide to write them a message.
How do I start?
I go on my phone and go to notes.
'Dear my beautiful fans,
I am sorry.. I'm sorry for every thing I have put you through. I want to thank you all for the support you have given to me along the way. But you know what will really crash me down? Losing you guys. You all have kept me up on my feet. I loved reading those sweet messages. I want to also let you know that I do notice you. But please, after I have my baby... I will dance again. Don't give up on the Dance Moms fandom. I will be with them every step of the way. Like I hope you will be with me. I will try to get Josh back... But.. I might not be happy. Just - dont give up on us. I love you all. And this dilemma doesn't make a dent.
Thank you..
- Maddie Ziegler ❤x
I screenshot that and post it. I mean every word I said.
I decide to have a sleep. As I lay down, the phone rings.
Dad says that he'll get it.
"Maddie? It's for you." Dad says.
"Thanks," I whisper to dad.
"Hello, this is Madison speaking. Who's this?"
"Hi, it's the hospital here. We're just ringing with some good news."
"You are having twins!"
"Oh really? Thank you for ringing me, I suppose," I don't know how I feel.
"Congratulations. We just checked the results and that's what it came back with. I have also booked you for an ultra-sound on Wednesday. Does that work for you?"
"Yes it does. I will see you on Wednesday then?"
"Yes. See you then sweetie."
I hang up the phone.
"Well?" Dad asks me.
"Twins." I say, with a smile.
He comes up to me and hugs me.
Proud moment.
As for the second time I go to try and go to sleep, I get interrupted by a text message.
Josh • =
Hey, um.. you're pregnant.. Right?
You • =
With twins. Did it work out with "Brittany"?!
Josh • =
<3 And they're mine?
No it didn't.
You • =
Yes. Josh, come over tonight. I need to speak to you.
Josh • =
Okay, I'll bring some food.
This makes me smile.
Me • =
See you then.
I am tempted to put a heart - but I don't know how it'll turn out.
Mom comes home.
"I'm going to do chemo-therapy. It's more serious than-" she kisses dad "ever before." She continued.

Dance Moms - Maddie's Struggle
أدب الهواةMaddie may be the best dancer in the group... But she has a secret. She is battling anorexia, but can't admit it. Her mother seems nice and friendly, however is never there for her. The dance mom girls all go a competition camp, however as a result...