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~Salvatore house~

"Stefan?" I yelled into the seemingly empty house, "God Rose scream any louder you'll wake the neighbors up" he screamed back, "You don't have neighbors, get down here" I yelled in response, shortly after that Stefan was standing in front of me, "Who's Kol? He knows what I am" I said simply

In 1864 it was cold and dark, Stefan gave me his jacket we wanted to be together forever but I was only human so I would grow old and Stefan would stay young, So Stefan took me to see Emily Katherine's handmaiden to make me immortal without having to go through all the blood lust like Stefan so she did a spell to stop me ageing.
*End Of Flashback*

"Wait? how does Kol know what you are?" said Stefan, "Who is Kol?" I asked in retaliation. "Kol is a thousand year old vampire who can't die and he has five siblings but one died which in result caused the other four to be turned into vampires by their mother and father and they are called Esther and Mikael. 

~ Kol POV~ 

When I got home and I was being questioned by my irritating siblings I just couldn't get her off my mind. That fire like hair, The compelling green eyes and the mystery behind what she is, She has the beating pure heart of a human but her eyes have seen so much death, so much time but also she's seen so much happiness, I need to find out what she is, "Kol? Why have I been informed you're a student at school?" My annoying, egoistic sister says descending the stair case inturrupting my thoughts, "Becks, Tell me how handsome I am, I'm going to a party later and the local Mystic Grill" I responded ignoring her question "Oh you know I can't be compelled Kol" she replied before walking into the seating area.

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