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~Rose POV~

Stefan's determined to not do anything for his birthday but me and Lexi heard of a party at the Local Mystic Grill so we persuaded Stefan to go so I'm currently getting ready. After 30 minutes of picking out a outfit I've decided with the help of Lexi to lightly curl my hair, blood red lipstick to match my hair and a black and red dress that stands out on my pale body. 

After a quick 10 minute drive we end up at the mystic grill, when we get there me can hear a mixture of drunk teens slurring their words, pool balls clashing around and the very load music. The first thing we do is split up, I go to find a pool table for us to play at with Stefan and Lexi goes to get drinks. After Lexi's non return after about 20 minutes I look towards the bar and see her straight blonde hair talking to a fair skinned girl with brown hair and matching brown eyes, curiosity taking over I nudge Stefan and point towards Lexi asking "Who's Lexi talking to?" I looked up at Stefan with the curiosity in my eyes glistening and as my eyes connect with his when he eventually looks down at me and I can see a glint of hurt and love in his similar green eyes. "Oh no. I've only seen that look in your eyes once Stef! You love her don't you?" Slowly he looks back to Lexi's direction and nods. Sighing I put my hand on his back and rubbing comforting circles. "Who is she?" I ask while we turn around the finish the game of pool. "Elena Gilbert" Lexi say's joining us once more, "And that is?" I ask with a confused look on my face, "Katherine's Doppelganger" Lexi replied. I've never met the infamous Katherine but I've heard enough stories to make me never want to. "Oh, That explains 'the look'" I said while taking my winning shot. 

~Kol's POV~

I arrive at the Mystic Grill about an hour later than it started. Rebekah's constant questions about school. The first person I noticed when I walked into the party crowded with drunken teenagers who are defiantly underage was Rose , Her hair loosely curled and her black and red dress clung to her body making her look older than the age she's portraying as. I know she's supernatural but I have no idea what she is, The mystery behind her just keeps drawing me in but something is telling me to run, a feeling I get very rarely. Not hesitating I walking straight up to her, Luckily she was alone, I wouldn't hear the end of Stefan's rambling if he was with her. I tapped her on the shoulder, she span around with her green eyes wide and glistening with shock, I guess Stefan filled her in on me and my family, After sending her a very cocky smirk I said "We need to talk" Simply and quietly while grabbing her wrist firmly but gently and dragging her outside to the back ally where It would be quieter. When we got outside she pulled her arm away with inhuman strength, "I know what you and your family are Kol, and I'll have no part in it... Or you" she stated simply but shakily, "Well that's just unfair" I replied, after noticing the confusion in her eyes I continued "You know what I am, But I don't know what you are." "Maybe that's for the best" she replied while turning ready to walk away, when I noticed this action I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back towards me and pushing her towards the wall and placing both of my hands either side of her so she had no escape, "I wont ask again Rose. What. Are. You" I said with my intimidating voice "A vampire" she said while sighing. Taken back by what she said, "Don't lie to me" I said my voice raising. "I'm not, I'm half vampire half human" She said before making a swift move to get away from me but when I heard the familiar voice of the sheriff and Stefan mixed with Elena and a voice I don't know I grabbed Rose once more out of instinct to protect her. "Lexi?" was the next word to escape her voice, "LEXI NO!" she began to scream but I covered up her mouth with my hand so the only sound coming from her was muffled. Out of our restricted view I saw Damon Salvatore stake a blonde vampire in the heart and that's when I felt a wet texture on my hand and I realized Rose had began crying. Before I could ask what was wrong she ran off but not before hearing Damon whisper "Goodbye Lexi." Into the vampires dead ear.

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