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~Stefan's POV~

"I think you should come in" I said to Elena opening the door wider so she could enter. After a few silent seconds she nodded and walked into the everything room, "Are you sure you want to know? I could change so much" I said after Elena took a seat on the coach while I took a seat in the arm chair opposite her, "Yes. I want to know, I need to know" she said picking at her finger nails nervously "Okay well It all started in 1861" I started


"Stefan, Damon meet  Rosemarie Star her and her family just moved in down the street"  Giuseppe Salvatore said before moving aside revealing a beautiful red head while her green eyes glistened with innocence. "Miss Star" I greeted while taking her hand a kissing it lightly. "Please call me Rose" she said with maturity, she had so much maturity for a seventeen year old. We're the same age I thought to myself as I watched her beautiful smile while introducing herself to Damon. I had to have this girl.


"Stefan, Damon meet Katherine Pierce she will be living with us" Guiseppe Salvatore said as me and Damon watched a beautiful young woman step out of the carriage, he hair beautifully curled, he skin fair and light. Her beauty was overwhelming but I had Rose so I couldn't act on my feelings for this beautiful woman. "Stefan" I heard Rose's voice call from the carriage way when she approached me I kissed her lightly on the lips "Morning" I said with love, I heard Katherine cough as a sign for us to snap out of our trance "Oh hello. I'm Rosemarie Star" Rose said bowing towards Katherine "Soon to be Salvatore" Guiseppe said proudly, When Rose stood straight again I saw the smile on her face. "Katherine" Katherine said simply before engaging in a conversation with my father. "I found the flowers I want for the centre piece" she said turning fully to face me "Really?" I said setting my hands on her hips "It'll make the wedding perfect" she said in awe "With you there, It already is" I said before placing another kiss on her lips.

Katherine's been here for three weeks and she's been trying to get attention off me and Damon, She has all Damon's attention but all mine belongs to my soon to be wife. The wedding is in a week. I've never seen Rose so happy in the three years I've known her than I have in this past few months since I proposed.  "Stefan, I have a surprise for you" Rose said from the kitchen where all the maid's were "Coming" I said happily, after a short walk I entered the kitchen "Follow me" Emily Katherine's handmaiden said leading us into a small and secluded room "Stefan, I have asked Emily here to preform a spell, She's going to make us immortal" I knew Emily was a witch but I didn't know that she could do a spell this big, but after ten minuets she did it and Rose was immortal, she was just about to do the same to me before Katherine called her inside and she said we would finish it off another time. The wedding got held back because a family friend died so it was set for two months time. But I began to cheat on Rose with Katherine, I didn't know why or what I was doing it's like I was being forced to do so and I wanted to tell Rose so much but I couldn't and I don'n know why, I later learned that this was because of compulsion.  It was the day of the wedding and I was in my room getting ready before Katherine came in a began to kiss me and seduce me, after a short time in the heated situation we was currently in Katherine produced her fangs and I knew what she wanted so I began to tilt me head sideways showing my neck to Katherine for her to take and just as she did she began to scream in pain and she fell on the floor just as my dad came crashing in and taking her away, I followed them to the top of the stairs watching them struggle to get Katherine down the stairs "Dad I love her" I shouted after them, when they got to the bottom and moved out of view I saw Rose stood at the bottom with tears falling out of her once happy green eyes and her wedding dress beautifully clinging to her body after what seemed like forever Rose spoke up and said "I loved you" with pure disappointment in her voice before she ran away with her new found speed that was a side effect of Emily's spell along with super hearing and strength, she was a vampire the didn't need blood as Emily said. 

~end of flashback~

"and well you know the rest" I said concluding my story and referring to the time I told Elena the last part of the story a while ago when she found out I was a vampire and I told her about when I got shot trying to help Damon save Katherine.  "But how are you so close now? how did you meet again?" Elena asked with confusion, "When I met Lexi, Lexi and I grew close and then Lexi said she had adopted a little sister" I said smiling remembering the memory "Rose" Elena said quietly almost to herself. "Yes" I said in reply, I walked over to Elena and took each of her hands in my own "Did you love her?" She asked looking into mine "Yes, I loved her and I still do." I said and Elena's head fell in sadness "But not like that, Not any more" I said again lifting Elena's head with two of my fingers planting a soft kiss on her lips.

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