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~Rose's POV~

"I think it's time for a reunion" Kol's voice echoed through the house causing the suspicion and curiosity in me to spark naturally. I rushed to get dressed not really bothering putting much thought into my outfit, once I knew I was ready, I ran downstairs knowing exactly where Kol and Rebekah have gone, almost instantly I knew there was a fight about to go down.

"Just go Diana, no-one wants you here" I heard Kol scream as soon as I pulled up outside the Mikealson home, I race out of my car and ran up to the stairs and without knocking I walked through the door causing everyone to stop and look at me including a beautiful blonde. I guess that's Diana.  "What the hell is going on?" I demanded breaking everyone from the shock, "Babe you shouldn't be here" Kol said approaching me and kissing my cheek "No. Kol, you told me she broke your heart, I want to be here to make sure you're alright, please" I begged looking into Kol's eyes for confirmation "fine" He sighed before putting a arm around my waist causing me to cuddle into his chest, "you must be Diana" I smiled towards the blonde with a smirk on my face "you must be my replacement" she laughed as we both took a step forward "really? I'm the replacement? You left without a excuse, me, I'm here to stay" I laughed getting into her face "Rose" Klaus breathed with warning "don't start Klaus, I still hate you" I said without breaking my eye contact with Diana "who could hate Klaus? You obviously chose the wrong brother" she laughed emptily at me "well then so did you" I retorted "Rose, back down" Elijah begged "Lijah, you know me better than that" I smirked still keeping my eye contact "You should have listened to him" Diana threatened before relieving her fangs and the veins from under her eyes "really?" I laughed before showing my own "what?" She asked shocked as her vampire-ism disappeared "that's right, you may be half witch half vampire but me, I'm half vampire and half human" I laughed making my fangs and veins disappear also "so that make's you weak" she stated while circling me "no, it just means Vervain or the sun doesn't effect me and I can live without blood" I smirked and just as I said that I used my vampire speed to rush behind her and put a syringe full of vervain into her neck causing her to choke but that obviously didn't keep her week considering her witch side so almost instantly I pulled out knife and impaled it into her side causing her to double over in pain, I quickly took her into the cellar of the Mikealson home before chaining her up. Using the Damon method actually works, who knew? 

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