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~Kol's POV~

"Kol will you shut your phone up" Rose groaned while turning over "fine" I sighed before reaching over tiredly and answering my phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello" I said sleepily while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes trying to wake myself up. "Kol?" Rebekah's voice said on the other end, I really should have looked at the caller ID first "what?" I grumbled causing Rose to sleepily turn over to face me with confusion and sleep in her eyes, "are you at the Salvatore's? I really need to talk to you" she rushed "ye why, what's gone on?" I asked now fully awake "Diana's back" she rushed before hanging up, I guess she's on her way over. I pulled the phone away from my ear, speechless. "What's wrong?" Rose asked with worry "Diana" I breathed "who's Diana?" She asked "you really want to know?" I asked while turning to make eye contact "yes?" she said almost as a question "she's a half witch, half vampire. Elijah turned her when we got to New Orleans the first time, before he met Celeste, he met Diana, she's utterly beautiful, Blonde hair and Brown eyes. Anyway Elijah turned her because he was madly in love with her and she was in danger but then for some reason his love got diverted to Celeste and Diana kind of got pushed to the side so she got really close to Klaus and Rebekah. Well when Mikeal ran Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah out of town shortly after Celeste was murdered she went with them, a few years later I was awoken by her and we became really close and we was in a relationship for almost fifty years then we had a argument because it turned out she used me to make Elijah jealous. When I found out I disappeared but when I came back I was told that she was murdered" I finished rambling and looked into Rose's shock filled eyes, "how's she here now?" she asked getting over the shock "I have no idea, but I'm going to find out" I said determined just before the door opened. Rebekah's here.

"How's she alive" was the first thing I asked when I reached Rebekah "something about someone saving her or the person who was after her before Elijah turned her was still after her" she shrugged with her head in her hands "I thought you liked Diana, why are you so sad?" I asked bitterly "she was my best friend Kol and she almost split my family in two" Rebekah sighed, always the family saver "I'm sorry" Rose sighed before getting up and walking away, what has gotten into her lately? I asked myself, "what are we going to do?" I asked "well Elijah and Klaus have welcomed her with open arms" Rebekah shrugged "so no getting rid of her then?" I asked with a slight chuckle "nope" Rebekah sighed "I think it's time for a reunion" I smiled before standing up and walking out the door with Rebekah on my tail.

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