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~Kol's POV~

I woke up slowly and I was alone in Rose's bed. That's weird she's always asleep when I wake up, I got out of bed, had a shower and got changed. I entered the living room and saw Rose with a hurt expression sat next to Jeremy with Caroline next to Jeremy "Morning babe" I said leaning down to give her a kiss but she turned her head and carried on talking to Jeremy and Caroline about some film with Lucy Hale in it "Morning" Damon said entering the room "Drinks tonight?" I asked smiling that me and Damon have gotten along so well, he looked nervous diverting his gaze from me to Rose "What's going on?" I sighed "Rose said we can't go out drinking together any more"  Damon sighed slumping in a chair "What why?" I said taking up the last chair "Because, I never see you any more it's always drinking with Damon. I don't know what you do when you go out drinking, we've been together like a month and you're already spending more time with someone else and I may sound clingy but I'd like to know when my boyfriend would actually come home. I know I wanted you to get on with Damon but I didn't think I'd loose you in the process" She shouts her voice cracking every so often before storming upstairs "Why are they so complicated?" I sighed "are you kidding me? Your girlfriend is on the verge of splitting up with you and you say it's 'complicated' are you serious? I give it five minuets before Stefan come's down kicking crap out of you" Caroline shouts before following Rose's path "For god sake" I sighed putting my head in my hands "You're clueless" Jeremy said following Rose and Caroline. "She's right" Damon spoke up after a awkward silence "What?" I asked looking up to him "When was the last time you had time alone?" Damon asked, I thought as hard as I could but couldn't remember "I don't remember" I sighed "That's bad dude. You're going to loose her" Damon said "He did what?" I heard Stefan yell from upstairs before I as pinned against a wall without warning "Give me a good reason as to why I shouldn't kill you" he yelled "One you can't" I started cockily but soon realised it was a bad idea because my air wave was slowly closing "Two I love her" I chocked, I sigh of relief came over me as I was dropped to the floor "If that's how you treat someone you're in love with then you've got it all wrong" He said before disappearing upstairs with Damon leaving me alone with my thoughts.

~Damon's POV~

"Get in there and talk to her" Stefan said pushing me to Rose's door that was crowded with people. I walked up to the door and knocked "Ro it's me let me in" I pleaded "No." she said simply her voice strained it wasn't right "Stefan she's hurting herself" I realised pushing through the door. I stood still as I saw people running around me in slow motion Rose was sat against a wall with a wood stake stabbing herself over and over again in the leg, she may have healing power but she's half human so much blood loss can kill her and she doesn't heal as fast "Don't just stand there she's almost out" Jeremy yelled "Stay with me Rose" Stefan said lightly tapping her on the cheeks. 'Move' I shouted to myself mentally over and over again but I couldn't, After five minuets of watching people run around to get Rose numerous things, I finally gained control of my body and rushed over to a now fully conscious Rose groaning in pain "When did it come back?" I asked sadly knowing exactly what's wrong with her "It started about two weeks ago" she said weakly "It started with the dreams then it came back fully and loosing Kol was the last straw" she moaned in pain "You haven't lost him. You should have came to me, We have to tell Stefan" I said rushed and panicked, she nodded weakly "Stef can I talk to you" I asked unsure of myself, he looked to Rose and she nodded once more and we both walked outside into the hallway "I know what's wrong with her" I said simply "Well tell me" He pushed "It's a long story but it starts after she ran away in 1864, she got caught and tortured and kept in a cell for like 20 years and later they caught me and I helped her escape and after that she got seriously depressed and had bad night terrors and over the years she's been able to control it but something's triggered it and it's happening again and that's why she's like that. It will take her two weeks to over come it but we can't leave her alone until we know it's gone" I rushed "Why didn't either of you tell me?" He asked "we didn't want to worry you" I said as I watched him run back into Rose's room where she was slowly healing. I walked back downstairs "Kol go" I said simply "What's happened?" Kol asked worried "Rose is almost dead and you triggered something bad so I'm sorry but you need to go and I'll let you know when it's safe for you to return" I said holding the front door open, he nodded "Make sure she know's I'm sorry" he said before walking out. I can't believe this happened to her. I sighed and walked up stairs "I don't need you looking after me" Rose said now tucked up in bed "I'm looking after you if it's the last thing I do" I said getting in next to her.

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