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~Rose's POV~

"Rebekah?" Klaus asked as Rebekah stepped forward out of the shadows "Hello" she smirked evily at us "what you doing?" I asked suspiciously "came to see if you was alright and  I catch you eating my brother" she said harshly "It didn't mean anything, It was a heat of the moment thing, I promise" I promised standing up and taking slow steps towards Rebekah "really Nik?" she smirked looking behind me to a smirking Klaus "It didn't but if It did that's nothing to do with you" he threatened standing up beside me "She's in love with Kol" Rebekah screamed "he left her" he screamed back "really?" Rebekah asked raising her eye brows with her fearless smirk still on her face "don't" Klaus warned "guys" Elijah shouted from the living room. Rebekah looked at us before smirking once more and going inside, I shared a glance with Klaus before walking inside behind Rebekah. When we reached the living room I looked between Elijah and Rebekah who looked to be in a heated and sad conversation, they looked up to us and I swear Elijah looked scarier than Klaus at that moment "I'm going bed" I announced interrupting the siblings stare down "Good night Rose" Elijah smiled kindly "night" Rebekah muttered and Klaus just kissed me on my cheek "see you tomorrow" he nodded before watching me walk up the white staircase. I swear they need a elevator or something.

I changed out of my top and shorts and climbed into some sweat pants and a loose top "why didn't you tell her" Elijah yelled causing me to whimper with fright, I sighed at my own stupidness before getting my phone and ear phones and plugging them in and putting it on shuffle before climbing into bed ready for the sleep to take me over.

"Rose" I heard someone's distant voice say, "Rose" they repeated shaking me awake "go away" I groaned turning away from the mystery person waking me up "Rose get up" his voice said clearer causing me to jump and sit up before pulling my knee's to my chest "how are you here" I asked "I never left" he smiled "How could you" I cried into my knee's before my vision went black and my body fell limp.

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