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~Rose's POV~

"Damon" I sang through the halls of the huge house "Rose" Damon sang back smirking behind me "Where's Kol?" I pouted followed by a shrug of Damon's shoulders "Hell if I know" "Useless" I muttered under my breath before storming upstairs "where you going?" Damon shouted after me "Hell" I yelled back "Have fun" He chuckled before I got out of hearing distance.

I knocked on the white door I've never used before waiting for a reply "Hold on" a strong British ascent said behind the closed white door before it opened fully revealing a 5 foot 10, male with dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes "Hey" I breathed "How can I help you?" he asked politely "I was looking for Kol Mikaelson, I must have the wrong house" I blushed "Come in" he smiled warmly before opening the door wider to let me enter "Is he here?" I asked once I heard the front door close "No but I know what he means" he chuckled evilly "Pardon?" I asked now regretting coming here "You're human but not quite" he said curiously "Great can I see him now" I asked irritated "Oh he's gone, now what are you" he said simply "Half human half vampire now what do you mean he's gone?" I asked ignoring the pain in my heart saying he's left me "He's gone and not coming back now how are you a hybrid?" he asked once more while circling me "Emily Bennett" I sighed before realization hit me "what do you mean he's not coming back" I asked causing Klaus to stop "he left and he's not coming back" he said finally. My body felt weak and limp as I fell to my knees cradling my body.

~Klaus' POV~

I watched as her body fell to the floor shaking and crying as her own arms cradled her body "Rose" I said quietly getting down to her level and placing a soft reassuring hand on her arm causing her to jump slightly "Rose look at me" I said as I watched her face rise slowly from her folded arms, as her eyes met mine a sob escaped her lips before whispering "he left me"

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