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Rose's POV~

"Hey Matt" I smiled at him while leaning against the bar "wasn't the point of Damon and Kol coming out was to give you a break?" he laughed "No, they wanted a break from the drama" I laughed causing Matt to laugh to "where are they?" I smiled "Kol's down there and Damon left about 10 minuets ago with a girl" Matt shrugged, I gave him a quick thanks before heading in the direction he pointed me towards "she's basically shouting cheat on me" Diana's seductive voice said before her face started to inch closer to Kol's causing my heart to break a little "I told you, I'm in love with Rose" Kol said stubbornly while pushing Diana away causing my face to light up "I guess Klaus will have to find someone else to break you two up" Diana sighed before turning and bumping straight into me "Diana" I growled "have fun" she smiled before walking out of the door leaving me and Kol alone. "I didn't" he started "I know" I smiled while giving him a hug "I saw you push her away" I smiled when I  pulled away "good" he laughed as he kissed me, "so why do you think Klaus wants to break us up?" I asked as Matt poured me a drink "because I'm a original and you're basically a Salvatore" Kol laughed "it's not funny, our relationship is at risk" I pouted "but I love you, and not even my vindictive brother can take that away from me" Kol said while turning to face me fully "I love you too" I smiled.

"Thank god" I sighed a sigh of relief when we walked through the door of the Salvatore house "wanted to be home that bad?" Kol laughed while wrapping two arms around my waist "I'm just not a big fan of parties"I laughed as I leaned my head back onto Kol's shoulder "can we go bed? I'm really tired" I laughed. I felt Kol nod so I unwrapped myself from Kol's grasp and began walking tiredly upstairs. I finally reached our room and began lazily striping off and pulling on some shorts and a tank top, I climbed under the covers and waited for Kol. My eyes began to close just as Kol walked through the door and began striping, I opened my eyes determined not to fall asleep yet "tired?" he asked as him climbed into bed "yea" I whispered while turning over and lying on his bare chest, "we're going to have to do something about Klaus" I yawned "I know" he whispered "what should we do?" I asked as I kissed his bare chest "how about Barcelona?" he asked causing my eyes to snap open wide "really?" I asked giddily, I know it sounds stupid, I've been on this earth a while and I've not visited Barcelona but I've always wanted to go "sure" he smiled and I kissed his lips lightly before lying back on his chest. 

My eyes began drooping again "Rose?" Kol's voice said  causing me to open my eyes even though I really wanted to sleep "ye?" I replied "we really are the ultimate forbidden love aren't we" he smiled "ye, I guess we are" I laughed "but I wouldn't have it any other way" I smiled before letting sleep take me in wilfully.

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