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~Diana's POV~

I listened intensely as Klaus asked and described his plan to me, to sum it up for you, he basically want's me to split Kol and Rose up so Klaus can have Rose. Jealousy is the top motive sometimes. I nodded as Klaus concluded him plan. "You know what you're needed to do?" Klaus asked "Yes Klaus, I'm not a idiot" I smiled at him before standing up and walking away, "Where you going?" Klaus shouted behind me "to get hot, If I have to make Kol fall for me again I can't walk over to him in my pyjama's" I laughed causing Klaus to nod too before walking away.

~Kol's POV~

"Rose, Damon's invited me out, can I go?" I asked Rose through the closed bathroom door, "Sure babe, Don't be back late though. Remember what happened last time" She shouted in reply "Okay babe, I wont. I love you" I shouted back "I love you too" she yelled before turning the water off, I left knowing she'll want her privacy to get ready.

"Hey" I greeted Damon as I sat on the couch "What did she say?" He asked "She said ye, I just can't be back late" I replied "Good, I need a drink" Damon laughed "After the past few day's I've had, me too" I agreed. "Boys" Rose smiled as she sat on my knee "I thought you left?" She asked "We was waiting for you so I could say bye" I smiled before kissing her cheek, "Well, go, you need a break" She laughed while pulling me into a hug "See you later" I smiled while pulling away and planting a small kiss on her lips "Bye" she smiled as we pulled away and I stepped out of the house, ready to waste the night away.

~Diana's POV~

I looked at myself in the mirror and I'm not going to lie I looked smoking. I've got a red skin tight dress on with black heels and a black leather jacket, my hair was loosly curled with one side pinned behind my ears. "You look amazing" Klaus complimented as I walked down the stairs "Thank-you" I smiled at him as I pulled him in for a small hug "I'll text you my progress later" I smiled as I headed for the door while making sure my phone was in my clutch "Have fun" He smiled before we waved our seperate ways and I walked towards my car ready to set my plan in motion.

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