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~Rose POV~ 

Last night was all I could think about. I hope Kol feels the same, I knew we needed to talk about what happened so I picked up my phone and dialed  Kol's number but went straight to voice mail. Sighing to myself I left a message "Hello Kol we need to talk meet me at the grill in 20 minutes please Rose" I left the message and dropped the phone on the bed. I went to the bathroom for a shower, when I got out of the shower I went to my wardrobe to get dressed when I heard a slight buzzing indicating a text, I hoped it was Kol saying he heard my message and he wanted to talk so I quickly got dressed and got ready and looked at the text on my phone; it was form Stefan sighing in annoyance I read the text anyway  'Rose where are you did you forget you had school hurry up.' 

I ran to my car after debating if I should go or not but I decided I needed to talk to Stefan about Lexi anyway. After a short ride I was pulling up into the school car park where I noticed Stefan looking at his phone with an annoyed look on his face standing next to Elena and Damon. Feeling the anger build up inside me I slammed my car door shut gathering a few confused stares from other students and proceeded to the trio. "I'm here happy?" I said with a clear irritated look on my face. "Ro Listen" Damon pleaded "No, Damon you listen she may not be dead but you still made her leave. Shes gone all because she can't be here because Sheriff Forbes thinks shes dead and now I have to put up with you alone" I spat, my rant was interrupted by my phone ringing. When I looked down Kol's name flashed on my screen, smiling to myself I answered. "Rose?" Kol's voice said from the other end laced with sleep, "Morning" I replied with happiness leaking from my voice, "You seem cheerful, anyway I got your message and I'd love to meet you but I've got to shower so half an hour?" He asked the sleep filled tone fading "Sure, See you soon" I replied before hanging up. "Who was that?" Stefan said, "Kol, I have to go bye" I said quickly "Wait, Original Kol?" Elena finally spoke up, I forgot she was here, "Oh I'm Elena" she said shortly holding her hand out "Rose, and Yes it was bye" I said shaking her hand and dismissing myself for a second time, "What about school?" Stefan asked "Well I don't want to go to school with idiot over there" I said pointing to Damon "Ro, I'm sorry" Damon pleaded "save it Damon anyway bye" I said for  a third time before running back to my car so I couldn't get roped into another conversation, "Nice to meet you Lena" I shouted out of my car window before starting the engine and driving the familiar route to the Mystic Grill.

Shortly I arrived and I spotted Kol right away sitting in a booth for two people right at the back, Smiling to myself that he actually kept his word and turned up "Hi" Kol said standing and reaching to give me a hug which I gladly accepted. "Hey yourself, You look dashing" I complimented before sliding into the booth opposite Kol, "You look better" He said with a wink causing me to look down and blush. "You wanted to talk?" he said breaking the silence "Oh yea" I said mentally face plamming myself "Erm, About the kiss" I continued "It was an awesome kiss" Kol interrupted, "Yea it was" I retorted giggling awkwardly "About the kiss..." Kol encouraged me to continue my previous statement "Oh, Erm what does it mean for us? I'm not use to people kissing me and walking away without explaining themselves" I said avoiding Kol's eye contact when I felt his hand land softly on mine, "I want you Rose. You and only you" He said looking deep into my eyes meaning every word, "I want you too" I replied smiling, after he placed a small kiss on my lips he sat back in his seat still with his hand on mine  he looked back into my eyes and said sweetly "You're mine"

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