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~Klaus POV~

"We're back" I heard Rebekah's load voice echo through the house "Four suitcases? is that it?" I commented when I met them at the bottom of the staircase "I need to go shopping" Rose commented making her eyes go wide causing my unbeating heart melt slightly at her green puppy dog eyes "Fine" I sighed pretending to be irritated "Yes" she exclaimed happily before kissing me lightly on the cheek causing my face to light up, I can't be blushing. Niklaus Mikealson doesn't blush. Crap I'm blushing "I think someone has a crush" Rebekah sang before walking up the stairs behind Rose.

"Elijah" Rose shouted through the house "You're the most impatient person I've ever met" Elijah laughed lightly coming into the room and taking a seat on the other side of Rose with a bowl of popcorn "Someone press play" Rebekah said sitting on her own in a single chair "Not it" me and Rose said at the same time "Elijah" Rose smiled turning to Elijah causing him sigh and press play. "What we watching again?" I whispered into Rose's ear causing her to shiver "Scream 4" she said quietly not looking at me "Will you too stop the films starting" Rebekah scolded leaning over and taking some popcorn.

Rose's phone started playing R5 If I can't be with you causing her to sigh and press answer then put the phone on speaker "What" she said irritated as Elijah paused the film "Want to explain why you moved out" Stefan's unmistakable voice said from the other end "Again?" Rose sighed causing Rebekah and Elijah to laugh quietly "Why did you go Rose?" Stefan sighed "Truth?" she said irritated "Truth" he confirmed "I couldn't stand seeing you with Elena ok" she said tears clearly visible in her eyes "What" he asked baffled "You're my first love, I will always love you and seeing you with her, Katherine's doppelganger hurts, I can't stand to see you with a replica of the woman who took you away from me" Rose said tears now coming from her eyes "She's not like her" Stefan said softly "she looks like her" Rose chocked before hanging up "Excuse me" she said softly before standing up and walking out the room.

"Go" Rebekah said simply causing me to stand up and follow Rose's path "Rose" I said when I found her sat on a bench outside with her head in her hands clearly crying "I don't want you to see me cry" she sniffled "look at me" I said softly when I reached her, she slowly lifted up her head her eyes meeting mine, we sat there silently staring in each others eyes when I did the last thing either of us expected. I kissed her. Her lips began to move in sync with mine as her arms reached the back of my neck as I lifted her onto my knee, our perfect kiss was interrupted by a cough coming from beside us. 

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