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~Kol's POV~

Me and Damon stepped out of the black car before heading into the Mystic Grill. My ear drums where invaded by the loud music causing me to squint a little, "you'd think after 1000 years of being alive I'd get use to it" I sighed while walking towards the blonde bartender with Damon on my tail, "the usual Matty boy" Damon smirked at Matt just as Matt began pouring our scotches, "don't cause any trouble" Matt sighed while taking the money from Damon and going to see other costumers, I looked at Damon and laughed a little before downing the drink. I slammed by glass onto the bar top while looking around the Mystic Grill making sure no-one was here to ruin my fun, "I think someone has a admirer" I smirked to Damon as I nodded my head over to the Blonde mystery girl dancing seductivly while looking at Damon "you cool?" Damon asks causing me to nod "sure, try to let her have fun before you eat her though dude" I laughed as he walked away, he turned around and winked at me before smiling at the blonde, not long after that they were grinding against each other. I laughed at him before turning "Matt" I yelled to him causing him to groan "what?" he asks I smirked while holding up my glass while inspecting it "my glass is empty" I smiled while handing it to him causing him to groan again. He returned shortly with my glass full plus a bottle of scotch "do it yourself next time" he sighed "where's Damon?" he asked while whiping the bar top "flirting with some girl" I smirked while pointing to the girl and Damon now sucking each others faces causing me to gag a little "great" Matt sighed before walking away.

I'd say it's now been a hour since Damon left me and I can't find him anywhere, Not that I'm complaining. Okay maybe I am, I'm bored. "All alone?" A sweet voice next to me said causing me to groan, this has to have been like the 5th girl to hit on me, "I have a girlfriend" I said softly while taking a swig of my drink "I know" the same voice said causing me to get curious and annoyed, I turned to face the girl and almost instantly regretted it "go away Diana" I said rudely "come on Kol, there was a time that you loved me" she said sweetly with a smile "Now's the time I love Rose" I said bitterly still facing her "but she's not here, can't love her that much if you come out without her and leave her home alone" she smirked while picking up my glass and drinking the remainder of it "it just proves we trust each other speaking of, I best get home" I smiled a sarcastic smile while snapping my fingers trying to get Matt's attention "yes Kol?" he said rudely "how much do I owe you?" I asked without breaking eye contact "Rose called she said she'll pay for it, just have fun" he answered before walking away, I sighed at his rudeness "see, have fun? she's basically shouting cheat on me" Diana smiled before trying to lean in...

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