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~Rose's POV~

My eyes flickered open slowly adjusting to the light, I stretched my arms above my head as my eyes opened fully taking everything around me in "Morning sleepy head" Damon's gentle voice called next to me "Morning" I mumbled "How did you sleep?" He asked handing me a cold glass of water for my dry throat "Good" I said taking a sip of water only to choke on it when sudden realisation came over me "Damon" I said happily "Yes?" He said patting my back as the choking calmed down "I slept good" I said looking into his eyes as pure happiness lit up in them as realisation hit him too "They're gone?" he asked happily "They're gone" I confirmed smiling. I walked slowly down stairs for the first time in two weeks "Morning" I smiled making my presence known "Rose" Stefan breathed "What you doing out your room?" Jeremy asked walking next to my side, Damon told everyone Caroline, Elena, Stefan, Jeremy, Bonnie, Tyler and Matt even Kol a few days after the scene in my bedroom so they've all been staying here "She's better" Damon said making his way into the everything room giving me a kiss on the cheek as he passed, I smiled at everyone shocked expressions which soon turned into smiles as they one by one came and gave me a hug 'D-I-N-O-S-A U R a dinosaur' my phone rang out from the kitchen counter "Is that" I started being cut off with nods from everyone, I picked up the phone "Hey babe" I said happily into the phone "Two weeks, I almost died" Kol said his voice quiet "Me too" I sighed "How is everything?" "Good, I'm better" I smiled "Can I come over?" Kol asked unsure of himself "I don't want to hurt you" I said quietly "You said you was better?" Kol said his voice dripping with confusion "The nightmares have stopped and I don't want to hurt myself any more so I'm out of my room but for the next few days it's possible I could hurt someone, I've already gave Jeremy a black eye" I flinched as I saw Jeremy's black eye remembering when he came in a few days ago to give me food and I punched him when he touched me "I'll take the risk" Kol said confidently "Even if I just get to hold you for 5 minuets" he continued quietly, I looked over to the group with a pleading look on my face which caused everyone to look around at each other unsure of what to say, I looked directly at Damon with a sad smile on my face causing him to sigh and nod slowly "You can come over but we have to be watched at all times" I said happily "I'll be ten minuets" Kol said before hanging up. I sighed in happiness before running up to Damon and giving him a bone crushing hug "You can't be alone with him" He warned "I know" I smiled before running upstairs to take a quick shower.

~Kol's POV~

"I'm going out" I said as I walked towards the front door "Kol" Klaus' rather load voice echoed through the house "What, I'm going to be late" I sighed as I watched him walk down the stairs "You going to see the girl" I asked with venom in his voice "Yes why" I asked not caring "You know how I feel about you being around them" He said taking a warning step forward "I don't care" I said bored "They tried to kill me" he said taking another step forward "You did kill me" I said taking the final step forward, I saw a small smirk light up on Klaus' face before I felt something agonising pierce my skin making it's way to my heart, I looked down and saw the silver dagger poking out of my skin as I realised what Klaus had done "Bastard" I muttered before I felt my skin go dry and my body go limp and fall to the floor, I saw Klaus' smirking face above mine before everything went black. 


I know it took forever to write this, I've had terrible writers block and couldn't decide what to do with this chapter plus I've come down with a cold and I'm back at college so it's hard to balance everything out, I hope you like this chapter and I hope it was worth the wait. Please leave feedback.

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