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~Rose's POV~

"Morning babe" Kol's voice said from the other end of my phone, "Hey" I replied balancing my phone between my face and shoulder "Wanna have a movie day today? I have all the saws?" He replied "Kol, What day is it?" I asked while hopping around my room trying to put my shoe on while looking for my other "Friday?" He asked with confusion is his voice "Yes. Friday. School day, Come on we've been ditching since Tuesday and I promised Stef I'd go" I said while walking into my closet to find a jacket "Come on, one day wont hurt" He replied with a hint of hope in his voice "Babe, No. Come on, we'll go in today and then you can stay at mine all weekend please?" I begged while sliding my jacket on "Fine" He replied with a sigh "Well get a move on I need a lift and Stefan and Damon have gone already" I said while collecting my bag and checking it had everything in "Fine, I'll be two minuets" He replied before hanging up. I slid my phone into my pocket, got an apple and waited on the door step waiting for Kol to arrive. When I saw his car park outside I sighed in relief, I watched as he gracefully walked out of the car with his brown hair slightly spiked, he also had a leather jacket much like Damon's but it looked much better on Kol, He also had a blue polo and dark blue jeans with black shoes and even though he's outfit was simple it still took my breath away "Don't you look beautiful" Was the next thing he said, I was wearing a blood red top with a black belt loosely hanging on my hips matched with a leather jacket like Kol's with black skinny jeans and black flats, my blood red hair was curled loosely pushed back with a black headband, as for my make-up it was light but effective, my cheekbones have a light pink blush on to help them stand out, I had applied a small amount of eyeliner and mascara to help my piercing green eyes stand out more often and to top my look I have a dark blood red lipstick on making my lips look bigger than they are. "Thank-you, I can say the same about you Mr. Handsome" I replied with a wink before stepping into the car. 

~Caroline's POV~

Me, Bonnie and Elena have just got into school we haven't really been in school since Klaus and his family got into town because we was avoiding them but Elena made us all come in so we all walked arm in arm up to Stefan's locker to go meet him as planned but we all stopped in our tracks when we saw Stefan talking to a beautiful new girl with blood red hair and Stefan's matching eyes. "Who the hell is that?" I said turning to my two best-friend's who both looked as shocked and confused as me, "I don't know but look" Bonnie said nudging her head towards the pair and when me and Elena turned to see what Bonnie was on about Stefan and the new girl was laughing and hugging "Oh hey Elena" Stefan's voice rang out indicating he had seen us "Hey" Elena replied while grabbing mine and Bonnie's hand dragging us over to the duo "Lena, Care, Bon this is Rose, Rose this is Elena, Caroline and Bonnie" he said while kissing Elena on the cheek "Oh the Doppelganger, Vamp and Witch, Kol's told me about the infamous triplet supernatural girls" She said with a smile "Kol? Wait, Kol!?" I said looking between Stefan and Rose in shock and disbelief "Talking about me again beautiful?" Kol said appearing from nowhere and kissing Rose on the cheek "Watch it Mr." She said looking up into his eyes with a smirk "Oh the Triplet Supernatural Girls hi, Anyway sorry to interrupt but I'm going to walk my girlfriend to Bio cya"  He said while dragging Rose away "Bye Stef, Nice to meet you girls" She said over her shoulder trying to catch up with Kol. "What the hell?" was the first thing I said after turning back around the others.

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