The Scars Within [boyxboy]

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                “EJ please!” I sighed in annoyance and shook my head. “I said no!” I growled. Melissa pouted. “You’re mean EJ!” I shrugged. “I won’t let you borrow my headphones. Get the fuck over it.”

                She rolled her eyes at me. “Well then can I at least listen to it with you?” I shook my head. “Absolutely not. Go buy your own damn headphones.” “I don’t have money!” she whined. I shrugged again. “Not my problem. Get some from your dad.” She sighed in annoyance. “You’re no help, EJ.”

                I smirked. “I never said I was. Now leave me alone. I have shit to do.” “You mean weed to smoke?” I smirked wider. “Legal. I said shit, didn’t I?” She made a face at me. “Why do you have to do drugs? They’re nasty. And besides, I thought Brewer was always whining about how nasty legal is?”

                I nodded. “He is. And it is. But it’s all I’ve got right now. So, if you’ll excuse me…” I went to leave my bedroom but she blocked my doorway. “I’ll tell your mom,” she threatened. “And she’ll drug test you.”

                I shoved her out of my way with the smirk back on my face. “Melissa, who’s MY mom going to believe? You or me? She won’t drug test me, and you damn well know it.” And with that, I swagged the fuck out of my bedroom.

                Who was I, you may be asking?

                Well, I was One-Eyed Johnny, or EJ for short. I was a small town boy, but that didn’t bother me. I was the shit around here. I didn’t give a fuck for anyone, except maybe my mom and my best friend Brewer. But other than that, shit got ugly, and it was every man for himself.

                I looked after myself out here. I might act like mates with some people, but you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do to get by, I guess. A little manipulation could go a long, long way.

                A lot of people said I had a big ego. I just called it confidence. I wasn’t afraid to speak what was on my mind. And I lived by a “Punch first, find out who you hit later” mentality. No one fucked with me. I didn’t care who they were.

                “Yah, EJ!” I glanced over and saw Brewer jogging towards me. “Just in time. I was just about to get fucked up off some legal. You in?” He made a face, similar to the one Melissa had made at me. “Nasty. Legal is shit. Anyways, don’t get high just yet.”

                I raised an eyebrow at him. “Why the fuck not?” “Because. New kid in town. I figured you’d want to check this kid out.” “New kid? When did he get here?” I asked curiously. I liked to know the kids in the town. It was so small, that our high school just barely reached 900 kids.

                Brewer shrugged. “Hell if I know. Must be only a few days ago. He was hanging out at Bass Drop.” Bass Drop was the local teens’ club. Brewer and I always hung out there, and the guy who owned it was a friend of my mom’s.

                “Dude, the fuck are we still doing here? Let’s go check this kid out,” I said and began to walk towards Bass Drop. Brewer hurried to follow me. That’s damn right. I was the leader. Everyone else was the follower.

                We walked to Bass Drop and I strut right in. LMFAO was exploding out of the speakers and kids were going crazy on the dance floor. Brewer and I dodged around them to the tables where kids were talking and eating.

                “Alright Brew, where is this kid?” I asked, looking around for anyone unfamiliar. But my eyesight was still trying to adjust to the bright, quickly flashing lights in the dark teen club, and it was hard to make anyone out at the moment.

                Brewer scanned the crowd of kids. “Shit dude, I wonder if he left?” he grumbled, running a hand through his hair. I sighed in annoyance. If he had dragged me here for nothing when I was planning to get fucked up, he was going to be sorry.

                “He was sitting over there before,” Brewer said, noticing my quickly growing irritation with the situation. He pointed at one of the tables, where a few kids sat talking and laughing. “And those kids were there before. So I don’t know if the new kid left, or got up to dance, or whatever.” He began to look around again.

                “Hey EJ,” Maya, a girl from our school, said with a seductive wink as she passed me. When she was out of sight, Brewer nudged me. “Damn dude, you going after her?” I shoved him away from me roughly. “Fuck no. I’m not sticking my dick in her Arby’s roast beef pussy.”

                He snickered. “Right, right.” He looked around again. “There!” he cried, pointing. Unable to see, I turned my body and squinted a little. My eyesight had finally adjusted to Bass Drop’s wild lighting, and I spotted the new kid.

                His back was turned to me, but he was definitely holding some drinks. No alcohol or anything. If we got caught openly drinking it in Bass Drop, it would get shut right down. Cops hung out around here a lot. They were determined to catch some kids in illegal acts and shut it down. We all snuck alcohol in here.

                He was probably just holding some smoothies or some shit. I wished that he would turn around already so I could see his face. I stared at him until he finally did.

                As he turned, I registered his face and a small smirk found its way onto my face. Damn, looked like I had another kid to kick around until he learned I was the big shot around these parts. 

The Scars Within [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now