The Scars Within {5}

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                                                                                ***EJ’s POV***

                “Let’s jump the bastard,” I said as Brewer and I sat back down. I looked over at him. He was sitting now, and laughing with Brad and his friends. “He mouthed off to me. You don’t mouth off to EJ Morris.”

                “I don’t know EJ. If we get in anymore trouble, we’re fucked,” Brewer said nervously. I snorted and shook my head at him. “Brew, that’s why we don’t get caught. Trust me; I know what I’m doing. How many times have we been caught?”

                “Two. EJ, we almost got arrested. We got lucky it was Billy that caught us, and not another cop,” he said, taking his glasses off to clean them. Billy was widely known around our town. He was one of the cops, and did his best to keep the town safe. He was my mom’s good friend, and he had caught me and Brewer smoking weed and drinking in an ally. Instead of arresting us for doing illegal shit and drinking underage, he had just threatened us and brought us home to our rents.

                But I was EJ Morris. I didn’t get in trouble. At least not from my mom. Cops? Teachers? Kids? Trouble. My mom? Never flipped shit on me, no matter what I did. Brew’s dad was different. He flipped complete shit on Brewer. It made Brewer scared to do shit and get in trouble.

                But it was life. You could die at any times, so you might as well live it up. I wasn’t afraid to get in some trouble. How else was I supposed to have myself some fun? Brewer was just a big pussy. Who cares about consequences? It’s all about the fun.

                Speaking of fun…

                “Brew, you want to go get fucked up?” I offered. “Legal?” he asked. I nodded and he sighed in annoyance. “I guess. Do you have it with you?” I shook my head and stood up, downing the rest of my drink and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “No. I think I left it in my room. Let’s go.”

                He got up, and I shot another look at Lionel. He had a smug look on his face as he said something that made the others laugh. He leaned back in satisfaction and sipped on his drink casually. I just wanted to pound his fucking face in.

                Brewer followed me out of Bass Drop and we walked all the way back to my house. I let us inside. Melissa glanced up at me. She was on the ground tying her shoes on. She looked back down at her laces. “I told your mom what you were doing EJ.”

                She stood up and gave me a hard look. “I’m doing it for your own health. I told her so that you won’t become some lame ass drug addict dying out in the streets because you wasted all your money to kill your brain cells.”

                I smirked. “Like I said, she won’t drug test me. I’m her son. She’s going to believe whatever I say over whatever you say, Melissa. So nice try, but in the future, save your fucking breath.” She glared before shoving by me and shutting the door after her.

                Brewer glanced at me and shrugged. I shrugged as well before we slipped off our shoes and went upstairs to my kitchen. My mom was in there chopping carrots on the cutting board. She looked up at us and gave me a nervous look.

                “EJ, come here,” she said and I walked over to her. She looked into my eyes and hesitated. “Let me smell your breath.” I blew my breath in her face and she relaxed and smiled easily at me.

                “Sorry honey, I just…Melissa said…” Her voice trailed off in embarrassment. “Oh, I know. She was mad because I wouldn’t let her borrow my headphones. She was just trying to get me in trouble. I learned my lesson after Billy caught us, mom. I would never do that stuff again,” I lied innocently and she smiled at me again.

                She glanced at Brewer. “Brewer are you staying for dinner?” He shrugged. “Yea, sure. If that’s cool with you.” She nodded. “Of course it is! You’re always welcome to eat here.”

                “Well, let’s go to my room Brewer,” I said and led him out of the kitchen down to my room. “Damn dude, I wish my dad believed me the way your mom believes you!” Brewer grumbled as he sat on my bed. I shrugged. “It’s a skill. I’m her precious little son, after all. I just shoot her some puppy dog eyes and an innocent look, and she’s a sucker for any lie I come up with.”

                I dug around in my desk and pulled out a tin of Dominoes. I opened it and dumped all the contents onto my floor, picking up the rubber band bag. Brewer raised an eyebrow. “You’ve never had braces. How did you get that?” “Nick from lunch has braces, and he gave it to me.” I smirked. “It’s a good way to hide shit.”

                I put the Dominoes back before stuffing the rubber band bag into my pocket and went over to my closet. I opened it and shoved some clothes aside until I found the right jacket. I reached into the inside pocket of it and pulled out my bowl and my lighter.

                I shoved my lighter in my pocket and threw the bowl to Brewer. He stuffed it into the pocket of his jacket. We left my room and I glanced in the kitchen. “We’re going on a walk, mom. Text me when dinner’s ready and we’ll head back,” I said and she nodded. “Have fun, EJ!” she called as we left the house.

                Once we were away from my house, Brewer pulled out his cigarettes and handed me one. I lit it and passed him the lighter. I smirked as we turned the corner and saw Melissa jogging. She glared and jogged over to us.           

                “Why? Why do you want lung cancer EJ?” she asked. I blew out the smoke in her face and laughed as she waved it away with a disgusted look. “Go on Melissa. Run home and tell my mom all about how I smoke. See if she believes you,” I said with a laugh and she glared again before continuing on her jog.

                “Oh shit, Brew,” I said and we stopped walking. “What?” he asked curiously. I flicked my lighter, but no flame came out. “Stupid piece of shit,” I grumbled as I tried several more times before whipping it away from me. “Let’s go back and get my other one. I’ll just tell my mom I forgot my phone if she asks why we came back so quickly.”

                He nodded and we turned around. “Wait! Let’s finish smoking. These things ain’t cheap,” he said and sat down on the side of the road. I sat next to him and we talked about random shit until we’d smoked our cigarettes.

                We got up and headed back to my house. I opened the front door and we slipped our shoes off before going upstairs. I froze as I reached the top of the stairs.

                Lionel Barrios smirked back at me. 

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