The Scars Within {3}

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A.N.- The picture is representing Lionel :)


                                                                ***Lionel’s POV***

                “This is Bass Drop,” Brad, my new neighbor, called over the loud music. I looked around the place as the lights flashed and the music played. A smile made its way onto my face. “It’s rad as fuck!” I cried honestly.

                Brad led me over to a table where a couple other kids were sitting. “Guys, this is Lionel. He’s my neighbor. He just moved here,” he introduced. I gave a small wave to the kids. There were 3 of them.

                “Jake.” “Brian.” “Mandy.” They introduced themselves and I tried to make a mental note of their names and faces so I could recognize them in the future.

                “Go on Lionel, sit,” Brad said and nodded at the booth. I sat down in it and he sat down across from me. I was sitting next to Mandy. Jake and Brian were sitting on the other side of the table with Brad.

                “So where are you moving here from, Lionel?” Jake asked. “I’m moving here from Florida. The weather here sure is a bitch. It’s freezing compared to Florida’s weather around this time of year,” I said and they all nodded. “I’m sure,” Brian said.

                “Hey, want to come get drinks with me?” Brad asked me and I shrugged and nodded. We got up and he led me over to the drink bar. He ordered some drinks for us. “We do a lot of drink mixing here, just for taste,” he explained as he ordered some crazy ass shit.

                The bartender handed him the drink orders and I took two of them for him. “Thanks,” he said with a small smile. “I’ll be right back. I’ll go get a tray and some food for us to share back at the table. Just wait here.”

                I watched him walk off towards the place where you apparently ordered food. Bass Drop was now playing some song by LMFAO.

                Someone tapped my shoulder and I spun to face them. It was Jake, holding a tray with food and drinks on it. Brad stood next to him. “Here, put the drinks on here,” he said and so I did.

                Jake walked away with the tray of stuff, and I glanced at Brad curiously. “Are we, uh, going to go back to the table?” I asked curiously. Brad shrugged. “Unless you just want to chill out on the dance floor for a little.”

                I smirked with confidence. “Sure. So what exactly is this club?” “It’s just where teens come to hang out. There’s no alcohol, not outright, but a lot of behind the scenes shit, if you know what I mean. You just have to know the right people, and you might as well be a 21 year old in any regular bar,” he said with a shrug. “Rad. I think I’m going to like this place,” I said confidently.

                “Uh, hey.” I turned to face the guy who had just spoken. He was looking at me curiously. “Yea?” I asked. He thought for a minute before speaking.

                “What’s your name?” he asked me. I searched his eyes, and found the slight trace of fear in them. He had a tough look, but he was probably just a pussy. Nonetheless, no need to make enemies so soon Lionel. It was a fresh start. A clean slate, as some might say. Might as well take advantage of it before people were out to get me for being so open with my opinion.

                “I’m Lionel,” I responded, an easy smile sliding onto my face. Yea, know my name. Where I came from, most people did. That wasn’t always a good thing, sure. Most of the time, it got me in trouble. A lot of people had been out to get me. But I was fine with that. I had a big ego, and I knew it. I accepted it.

                “How old are you?” he asked, true curiosity in his eyes. I was good at reading people, especially from their eyes. This kid was like an open book to me. Far too easy to read. Too easy to figure out. And that was no fun for me. I was already bored of him.

                I shrugged. “I’m 17.” He nodded to himself. “Where are you from?” “Florida.” “You don’t look tan,” he said, making himself sound stupid. Sigh. Better to let people assume you were stupid, than to open your mouth and prove it. Just like it was better to let people assume you were a slut, than open your legs and prove it.

                I held out my arm, showing off my soft, pale skin. “I’m not tan. At all. I’m Irish. I burn too easily to go out in the sun without sunscreen.” “Oh,” he said. He nodded at Brad before turning around and walking away without another word to me. Rude bastard. I hated when I didn’t get the last word in.

                “Who was he?” I asked Brad. “That’s Brewer. Don’t mess around with him,” he warned. I had to hold back a laugh. That kid didn’t look dangerous at all. My great grandma could probably beat the living shit out of him.

                I watched Brewer walked over and start talking to an annoyed looking kid at one of the tables. “Who’s he?” I asked curiously, nodding at the annoyed looking kid. Brad glanced at him and his eyes widened in panic. He shook his head furiously.

                “Lionel, seriously, just stay away from that kid. That’s One-Eyed Johnny.” I laughed a little. “One-Eyed Johnny? Why do they call him that?” Brad bit his lip. “See how he’s wearing that bandana over his eyes?”

                I looked back over at him and noticed that he was wearing a bandana. It was tied around his forehead, and dropped down to cover his eye. “Yea.” I was trying to get a good look at his face, but the flashing lights made it difficult to get a real look.

                “He’s worn that bandana everyday for years. People started calling him One-Eyed Johnny, or EJ for short. Don’t fuck around with him. He will fuck you up.” I laughed again. “He doesn’t look tough!”

                Brad shook his head wildly again. “I know he doesn’t look tough, but he is. And he’s got connections. You fuck with him, he’ll put you in the hospital. I’m serious Lionel.” I grinned confidently. “I can handle myself, but thanks for the warning.”

                He shrugged helplessly. “You’re funeral. He isn’t afraid to throw punches at kids he doesn’t even know.” His eyes widened a little. “L-Lionel,” he said, fear in his voice. I cocked my head to the side curiously. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I spun to face them, and saw a fist flying at my face. 

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