The Scars Within {10}

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                I sat in the police station with EJ, Brewer, and Melissa. I was silent, my hand wrapped and a bandage over my bloody eyebrow. He had split open the scar on my eyebrow. If I had to get stitches there again, I would kick that kid’s sorry ass.

                The door opened and a cop led our parents in. My mom looked at me in disapproval. EJ’s mom was looking at him in concern. A man, Brewer’s dad I guess, was glaring at him angrily.

                “EJ!” his mom said and went over to him. “Are you okay?” He nodded angrily and shot a look at me. “They jumped Lionel!” Melissa said angrily. “No we didn’t!” EJ snapped. “He was talking shit!”

                My mom looked at me nervously and came over to me. “What happened to your hand, Lionel?” I held it up and shrugged. “It got cut. It’s fine.” It was my bad hand, anyways. It’s not like I could really use my bad hand anyways.

                “What happened?” Mrs. Cope demanded. “EJ and Brewer jumped Lionel!” Melissa said glaring at them. EJ glared right back. “No we didn’t! He was talking shit about me!”

                I laughed and they all stared at me. “If by talking shit you mean not bothering you until you threatened me, then yes. I was talking mad shit,” I said, rolling my eyes and smirking.

                “Shut up Lionel!” EJ snapped. I laughed more. “Hey brah, I’m the one got messed up the most. Two on one when I can only fight with one hand is kind of hard, you know.” I held up my bad hand with a shrug and another smirk.

                “Lionel, stop it,” mom said quietly and placed her hand on my bad one gently. “Did you split your eyebrow open again?” Now I glared at Lionel. “If I have to get stitches there again I’m gonna be pissed, brah,” I whined.

                “Bet your fat mouth got it split open in the first place,” EJ growled and I nodded. “You’re right; it did. But I’d rather not have stitches there again.”

                “Lionel, stop it!” mom said, frowning deeply at me. She cupped her hand under my chin and tilted my head up so she could get a better look at my split lip. “Did your hand get hurt?” she asked, releasing my chin and carefully grabbing my wrapped hand. I shrugged. “Just a scratch,” I lied. That shit would leave an ugly scar. And it stung like fuck.

                “I mean your fingers,” she said and I shook my head. “My fingers are fine.” Mom shot a look at EJ, shaking her head in disgust. Mrs. Cope shot a similar look at me. “Lionel, what happened?” mom asked me. I smirked. “I got jumped, and I fought back.”

                She went back to glaring at EJ. “I can’t believe you. Jumping a boy you don’t even know! That’s just disgusting!” she cried angrily. “Now we only heard one side of the story!” Mrs. Cope said angrily. “My son wouldn’t ever hurt anyone without a damn good reason!” She placed a protective hand on EJ’s shoulder.

                “There shouldn’t ever be a reason for hurting someone like this! Lionel can’t even fight; he has a disability!” mom said furiously. I mentally sighed. Jesus woman. Why don’t we just announce my disability to the whole fucking world?

                “EJ has a disability too! He can’t fight either!” Mrs. Cope shot. “I don’t have a disability!” EJ snapped furiously. “Me either!” I said, rolling my eyes in annoyance. Jesus fucking Christmas. It wasn’t a disability. It was just a slightly hindering condition. My mom made it sound like I was wheel-chair bound or something.

                I stood up and glanced at EJ before smirking. “I’m done here. I’m going home. You’re not worth my time, you one-eyed freak.” Brewer’s dad grabbed EJ as he shot of his chair to get me. “I’ll fucking kill you!” he snarled as Brewer’s dad struggled to hold him.

                I laughed and mom shot me an angry look. “Lionel! Stop it!” she hissed. “EJ! Calm down!” Mrs. Cope was saying, clearly upset. She glanced at me and shook her head in disappointment. “Shut up if you don’t know anything!” she said, her eyes watering a little.

                Oh shut up, woman. EJ deserved it, walking around with a fucking bandana over his eye. Mom grabbed my wrist and shot me another look. “Lionel, just keep your mouth shut,” she said sternly. She glanced at Mrs. Cope and gave her an emotionless look. “I’ll be in touch.” She dragged me out of the office and into the car.

                “Lionel!” she exploded once we were in the car. I stared at her like she had three heads. “They jumped ME! Of course I fought back! I didn’t even do anything wrong mom; I swear!” I said angrily before mentally calming myself and leaning back in my seat as she began to drive.

                She ignored me, staying quiet until she pulled into the driveway. She shut off the car and took a deep breath before giving me a desperate look. “Lionel, we moved for my job AND for your safety. Your mouth is as big as your ego. I don’t care who jumped who. I can see it in your eyes. You wanted someone to fight you. You wanted to get jumped. But you can’t do that! I don’t care if you don’t call it a disability. I do, and I’m your mother. You can’t fight! You’re going to mess with the wrong person someday, and they’re going to destroy your sorry ass. So learn to shut your freaking mouth and walk away!”

                I sighed. “Fine, mom. I’m sorry.” She shook her head at me and got out of the car. I copied her and she bit her lip. “Lionel, please, please just learn when to shut up. You’re going to get hurt worse than you did back in Florida, and I can’t watch that again,” she whispered before going into the house, leaving me alone. I smirked to myself. Fuck my mom. I wasn’t done with EJ yet.

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