The Scars Within {22}

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                                                                                ***Lionel’s POV***

                I stepped out of my house and went down to the mailbox. I pulled it open and took the mail out with my good hand, checking it to see if anything was for me. Bills, bills, bills, meow, bil-

                Meow? Da fuq?

                I looked over at the road and saw a cat lying down, it’s front legs twisted oddly. Probably broken. It was meowing loudly, its eyes locked on me.

                I set the mail back in the mailbox and looked both ways before going into the street. Yep. Its front legs were definitely broken. It must have jumped and landed wrong. I think it was my neighbor’s cat.

                I knelt down and gently stroked its fur to calm it down before trying to get it with my good hand. I stopped, realizing that I would hurt it if I tried to pick it up one handed.

                I was an asshole, yes, but I loved animals. I used to have a dog until it gone run down in the street about 2 years ago. My neighbor had two little kids, and I didn’t want them to have to see their pet get run down in the road too.

                The way the road was, there was a sharp turn that, if taken too fast, could easily cause a death or an accident. Plus, the neighbor that owned this cat also had a very dumb little son. He never checked the road before flying out onto it on his bike. Kid was going to get himself killed.

                I could hear a car coming now and tried to pick the cat up with both hands. “Come on, come on,” I hissed impatiently as the cat meowed in pain. I couldn’t get my bad hand under the freaking cat to lift it. My fingers were bending weird.

                “Lionel! Get out of the road!” I heard Brad’s mom shriek. She and my mom had become friends, I guess. I had gone over to her house to hang with Brad a little. She probably heard the car too.

                I ignored her and continued you trying to pick up the cat. I wasn’t going to let some poor cat get killed just because my fingers wouldn’t cooperate. If I could just pick it up, I was fast enough to dart to the other side of the road before any cars came.

                “Come on!” I whispered nervously as Brad’s mom cried my name again. My fingers were bleeding from the road, but I kept trying to pick the freaking cat up.

                I heard a car horn and the sound of tires squealing before I felt agony rock body. I slammed the ground and heard a high pitched noise.

                It’s you, idiot. You’re screaming, my mind whispered.

                I heard shrieking that wasn’t my own, and more agony crashed over me. Holy shit. I was dying. I had to be dying. Darkness came at me and I tried to fight it, but the pain was too great. I let the darkness claim me, praying it would just kill me and end this suffering.

                                                                                ***EJ’s POV***

                I arrived at the hospital and went to the waiting room with Brad. “Is he okay?” Brad’s mom asked Lionel’s parents.

                “He’s in surgery. His arm was shattered, and his hip and back were hurt. His leg might be broken and he cut his head open,” his dad whispered and his mom cried.

                Mr. Barrios bit his lip shakily. “He got hit trying to pick the cat up, you said?” he asked Brad’s mom and she nodded. “He couldn’t get his hand under it, and he wouldn’t get out of the road,” she said quietly.

                Mr. Barrios hugged his wife tightly. “His bad hand. He couldn’t pick the cat up because of his bad hand,” he whispered and squeezed his eyes shut.

                Brad and I sat down together with his mom and waited. Eventually, a doctor came out and went over to Lionel’s parents.

                He sighed sadly. “Mr. and Mrs. Barrios, I’m very sorry. He’s not looking too good. His arm is so shattered…and the wound in his head is a nasty one. We’ll see if he pulls through the night, but I think it’d be best if you went home and got some rest,” he said gently.

                If he pulls through the night.  

                I shakily brought my hand up to my bandana. Oh god Lionel.

                His mom started crying harder and his dad helped her up, talking to her gently as he led her out of the waiting room. Brad and I stood up with his mom and I shoved my hands in my pockets and pulled out my iPod.

                “Bye Brad. Thanks for the ride to the hospital,” I mumbled before leaving. I didn’t want them to give me a ride home. I wanted to walk and blast music. I wanted to forget about the world. But more than anything, I just wanted Lionel to be okay. 

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