The Scars Within {8}

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                Melissa and I left her house sometime later and began to walk around the block, just talking casually. I wasn’t always an asshole. I could hold up a pretty decent conversation without sounding too stuck up.

                She made a disgusted face and I followed her eyes to see EJ and Brewer smoking on the curb together. They both glared at us as we made our way over to them.

                “So you like lung cancer, huh EJ?” Melissa asked in disgust. But EJ ignored her and just glared at me. I smirked and my hand shot forward and snatched his cigarette out of his hand before he could react. He glared harder.

                “Give it back, you fucker,” he hissed. I placed the cigarette in my mouth and breathed deeply. I blew the smoke out in EJ’s face and smirked wider as he coughed and waved it away.

                I laughed and threw the cigarette on the ground, stomping it out. Melissa shot me a grateful look. “You sorry piece of shit!” EJ exploded, standing up to tower over me. I raised an eyebrow. “Hey, how’s the weather up there?” I asked casually and he flipped me off.

                I chuckled and shook my head in amusement. “I save your lungs from cancer, and it makes me a sorry piece of shit? Harsh, brah. Harsh.”

                “I’m not getting cancer,” he growled viciously. I shrugged. “Sure, brah. That’s what most people say when they start smoking.” “Are you saying you’ve never smoked before?” EJ asked with a snort. “Attractive snort. I love when boys have snot flying out of their nose. It really gets a lift out of me, ya know brah? Anyways, yea, I’ve smoked before. But I quit last year. That shit ain’t taking me down.”

                “See EJ? I’m not the only one that thinks smoking isn’t cool,” Melissa said angrily. Brewer stood up, hesitated, and placed his cigarette firmly in his mouth before pulling off his glasses and cleaning them with his shirt.

                “Fuck off new kid, before we fuck up your sorry face,” he said. But I could hear the very slight shake in his voice, and it was all I needed to hear to know that I could take him down in 5 seconds.

                “If you want to fight me, than by all means, do it,” I said with a shrug and a confident smirk. Let’s just see this loser try to take me down. I was way too quick for him.

                But like I figured, he didn’t try anything. He just glared at me. “I’m getting really bored of you losers just glaring at me. If you’re going to fight me, than fucking do it,” I said, irritated. This was a fucking joke. It was only fun for so long. Fighting was the really fun part. The part that kept it interesting for me.

                EJ snickered. “Fag, you don’t want to fight us. We would proper fuck you up.” “What’s wrong with being a fag, brah?” I asked, raising my eyebrow. “Nothing. I’m bisexual. I’m just saying,” he said with a casual shrug.

                “So we DO have something in common. Nice,” I said, smirking. “You’re bisexual?” he asked, actually seeming caught off guard. I shrugged and grinned. “Yea. I like the vag, but the penis ain’t bad either, you know? I can stick it or suck it and be content.”

                Brewer stomped on what was left of his cigarette and cracked his knuckles. “Big man gonna fight me, or just cracking your knuckles for the hell of it?” I asked, not getting my hopes up. I was wired up for a fight now.

                EJ snickered. “We’ll fight you later, lame ass bitch. Brewer has to get home. He’s got shit to do, and so I do I.” Brewer nodded, shooting me a dirty look. “Bye EJ,” Melissa said flatly. “Shut up you tight bitch,” he snapped before he and Brewer walked away from us.

                I rolled my eyes. “Damn, these kids are getting me all hyped up for a fight and they’re too pussy to follow through! It’s like giving a guy a boner and leaving. The fuck?” Melissa shook her head at me and sighed.

                “Don’t tempt them Lionel. I’m not saying that you can’t handle yourself, because I really don’t know you or how strong you are. But EJ plays dirty a lot, and even when he doesn’t, he’s no weak little kid. He’s really strong and really tough. Plus, his mom never gets mad at him for fighting. He makes up some stupid lie about it, and she lets him off the hook.”

                “Let me guess, he tells her someone was making fun of his face?” I guessed and she sighed again and nodded. “Yep. And she falls for it every fucking time. I like EJ’s mom, but she’s so gullible. EJ’s got her whipped.”

                “Damn, I better get heading home brah. See you tomorrow Melissa. Text me,” I said and put my number in her phone. I didn’t bother getting her number before I gave a small wave and walked away. She would text me, or we wouldn’t hang out.

                I walked back to my house and let myself inside. I went up to my room and laid on my bed, my thoughts drifting over to EJ’s face. What kind of accident would cause his face to get that fucked up? And did that accident weaken his eye?

                Melissa asking me about my family…ha. She could figure that out for herself. That was the fun part. Keeping myself shrouded in a little bit of mystery. What did I come from? A broken family? A perfect family? Some drug addicts? Some alcoholics? Some abusive assholes? Figure it out yourself, because I’m keeping quiet.

                Hm…so EJ and Brewer played dirty, huh? And with no consequences? Well, I could have quite a way with words, so I could probably get a few people on my side to fight against those sorry bitches. But it would be much more fun to face them on my own. I smirked widely.

                They wanted to try to jump me, and I knew it. So, let them. It would be fun to catch them off guard when they thought they were catching me off guard. I was going to let them jump me tomorrow. 

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