The Scars Within {12}

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                                                                                ***Lionel’s POV***

                I sat in my room, twirling EJ’s knife in my hand. I had gone to the ally, remembering that he had lost it there, and stolen it, deciding to troll a bit. I didn’t realize just how furious he would get about it. I had had to change the bandages on my bad hand.

                I put the knife in my bad hand and began to twirl it. It twirled twice before it fell out of my hands and landed on my bed. I let out a sigh and tried to pick it up. I sighed in annoyance and picked it up with my good hand, glaring at my bad one.

                There was a knock on my door and I quickly hid the knife under my bed as my mom came into my bedroom. She shut the door and came to sit next to me.

                “How’s your hand?” she asked. “It’s fine. I told you it was,” I said casually, smirking. She bit her lip before sighing. “Be honest with me Lionel. Did you take something that belonged to that boy?” I shook my head. “No I didn’t!” I lied angrily. “Jesus, ma. He jumped me and then accuses me of taking his shit, and you buy it?”

                “Watch your language!” she snapped. “I was just making sure you didn’t steal anything that belonged to him. And don’t use Jesus’s name like that.” “I’m not even religious,” I grumbled and laid back on my bed.

                “So? It’s disrespectful to me because I am,” she said and stood up. I shrugged, not caring at all. I hated when people tried to shove their religion down my throat. My mom always tried to shove her beliefs down my throat. Bitch, I’d rather have a cute boy’s cock down there. Back the fuck off.

                She left my room and I waited before pulling out EJ’s knife again. The initials “JM” and “BM” were engraved on it. “Oh you fancy huh?” I muttered and smirked. He wanted this back? He wasn’t getting it back without a face-to-face fight. That would teach that stupid fucker to jump me. Only cowards jumped someone.

                 He would have to take me down in a face-to-face fight before I gave this shit back to him. I didn’t care how precious it was to him. I had had something very precious to me get taken away, and I hadn’t jumped someone in their own front yard to get it back. I fucking lived with it. EJ was either going to man up or learn to live without the stupid knife.

                Laughing, I turned on Get Scared and leaned back, relaxing as the song began to play. “Ah Shit!” my speakers screamed at me. “I’m the deepest cut, I’m the deepest wound, I’m the deepest lie you ever told,” I sang along softly, grinning widely.

                I looked at my bad hand and my grin instantly disappeared. I relied on my quick reactions and speed to fight. Hand-to-hand fighting was not my specialty. My trick was to catch someone’s ankles and trip them. It was dirty, but it was really the only way I could fight.

                But, hey, if EJ could play dirty, than so could I. I wouldn’t even need to feel bad about it. He had jumped me twice already. Tripping him in a fight wouldn’t even be close to jumping him. Dirty tricks for dirty tricks, kind sir.

                Brewer’s face had looked pretty fucked up. Guess his old man beat him. That, I guess I could kind of pity. But it happened. He wasn’t the only one in the world.

                “Well you can tell by the way I use my walk that I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk.”

                I grinned at my speakers, suddenly wondering if EJ was a virgin. He’d have to take that bandana off if he wanted to fuck a girl, and he seemed pretty determined to keep it on. Or even really if he wanted to fuck a boy.

                “Oh baby this is so romantic looking into your one eye” was not going to cut it. My phone buzzed and I flipped it open. A text from one of the few friends I’d had back in Florida. I’d met this kid when I was staying with my grandparents down in a Tanglewood community in Tampa.

                From: Andy Cali

                Heyyy Lionel. How’s shit going down there?

                I sighed before typing out my reply.

                Shit man. There’s a kid here named EJ and I can’t fucking stab him.

                My phone buzzed a second later.

                From: Andy Cali

                Fucking stab him? Damn you violent Lion.

                To: Andy Cali

                Shut the fuck up I meant stab. Autocorrect -__- He jumped me twice. Wish you were here to help me out brah.

                From: Andy Cali

                Heading down with my old man tonight. Be there tomorrow. Fuck some bitches up proper?

                To: Andy Cali

                Sounds like a fucking plan brah ;)

                I shoved my phone back in my pocket, grinning. Andy Cali’s dad worked with my mom, so he was down here for business trips a lot. Their family was considering moving. I had always known him, but I hadn’t really become good friends with him until my mom shipped me off with my grandparents to “keep me safe”.

                Andy Cali and I could sure as hell fuck some bitches named EJ and Brewer up. Andy Cali did most of the punching. I just couldn’t punch people. Oh but if I could, I’d wreck bitches. Andy Cali and I made a fucking dream team. We’d be EJ Morris’s worst fucking nightmare.  

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