The Relic Room

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria, Jude, Lucy, Max, Marie, Ben, Paige, Fred II, Sebastian, Jenna, Alice II, Frank II, Alex, Melinda, Toby, Markus, Bella, Jason, Raychel, Charlotte, and Reginald. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The Relic Room

Aria’s POV

            I sat in the lobby of the hotel in Scotland waiting impatiently for the others to wake up. How could they still be asleep when all I wanted to do was find my husband? I fiddled my fingers on the chair and watched the stairs intensely. I didn’t stay up with them planning the previous night. I wanted to be alone so I got myself a room and stayed in there all night. My dreams were made up of Raychel torturing me and George. That didn’t help me sleep. I’ve been up now for four hours and all I’ve been doing is sitting here. The workers at the hotel just stared at me. Probably wondering why I had been just sitting there for hours. They shouldn’t mind it. I was giving them money so why should they care what I do?

            “I don’t know. She wasn’t in her room.” I heard Ginny say from the staircase and watches as her and the others came into the lobby.

            I stood up and looked at them. “About time.” I said. “I’ve been waiting for four hours.”

            “It’s only seven in the morning.” Ben said. “You’ve been up since three?”

            I nodded and Jude came over to me. “Are you ok?” Worry was in his voice.

            “I’m fine. Just nightmares.” I looked at Harry. “So, what’s the plan?”

            “We’re going to the town of Madzharovo. Draco says the mansion is close to there but he’s going to check it out by himself first then he’ll tell us what he finds.” He told me.

            I clenched my fists. “Why? Why can’t I go? If George is in there…”

            “If George is in there we’re gonna need a secure plan to get him out with everyone alive.” He interrupted me and finished my sentence. “Draco’s going in first and that’s final.”


Draco’s POV

            We stood in a small sitting room in a house in Madzharovo, Bulgaria. All eyes were on me as Harry once again went over the plan. The only reason I was helping them was because I wanted all ties to Bellatrix and her family gone. The last tie was Raychel so I wanted to help get rid of her. Well, there was Jason but I knew with Aria he’d turn out different than the others. But that’s why I was working with my ex-enemy. True, Harry and I had had a unspoken truce but it was hard for both of us to not think about our school years. But I had a feeling I’d still be seeing Aria after all this was over. It was hard not to befriend her. Especially after the dream I had where we were best friends.

            “Got it?” Harry asked me and interrupted my thoughts.

            I nodded like I had heard everything he said. “Yes.”

            “I don’t see why I can’t go.” Aria said and I looked at her. She was obviously tired and angry that she couldn’t go with me. She had more determination to find her husband than anyone I knew.

            “Because they won’t do anything to him if they’re there. They’ll kill you.” Harry told her.

            “I can wear the Invisibility Cloak.” She argued.

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