Who Jason Is

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria, Jude, Lucy, Max, Marie, Ben, Paige, Fred II, Sebastian, Jenna, Alice II, Frank II, Alex, Melinda, Toby, Markus, Bella, Jason, and Reginald. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Who Jason Is

Jason’s POV

            The door closing woke me up on Tuesday and I quickly sprung out of bed; afraid that my night’s sleeping arrangement had been discovered. Fourteen years old and I was already living on the streets of Diagon Alley. There was a lot that happened in my life to cause that, though. I was born on February 25, 1997 and since that day, my mum has hated me. She told me I was what came between her and my father. Yeah right. I found her talking to one of her friends that she didn’t even bother telling my dad. And that’s why I went to look for him. I ran away from home and looked everywhere. The only thing I knew about him was that his name was Fred Weasley. Knowing that, I found Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and heard that Fred owned it with his brother George. I walked by the place several times growing up but never thought anything of it. Mum never let me go inside. The day I met Aria, I finally saw the memorial for Fred. That’s why I didn’t want to go into the shop. My father was dead. I had waited my whole life to meet him but he was dead. I would never talk to him. Never be able to let him know he had a son. How could my mum do this? She hid me away from them and sent me off to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts. I hated her more than anything and I never wanted to go back to her house.

            I looked around and remembered where I was. I was at Aria’s in my cousin Fred’s room. He didn’t know we were cousins yet, of course. No one did. I hadn’t told them anything yet but I knew I had to soon. I just had to know they wouldn’t send me off to live with my mother again. I liked it here. I felt safe. Safer than I had since I was eight. I was glad they took me in. I looked at Fred’s bed and he was still asleep. I quietly walked to the door of his room and went out into the hall. The house was quiet but I could hear the sound of faint voices coming from downstairs. I quietly walked down the steps and made my way into the kitchen where I found Aria and George sitting at the table. George had today’s copy of the Daily Prophet in his hands and Aria was drinking out of a coffee cup. Spoons and bowls and other kitchen things were going about fixing breakfast and I watched them pleasantly.

            “Good morning, Jason.” Aria’s happy voice said and I looked at her with a smile. “Do you want some breakfast? We’re having cinnamon rolls.”

            “Sure.” I said and went to the table. “Thanks again for letting me stay here.”

            “No problem.” George said and looked at me from behind his paper.

            “How did you sleep?” Aria asked me.

            “Great.” I answered.

            “Do you want something to drink?” She stood up and went to the fridge. “We have milk or water or orange juice.”

            “Milks fine.” I told her as a cinnamon roll on a plate hovered over to me.

            Aria poured me the milk into a glass and brought it over to me. “Here you go.”

            “Thank you.”

            I started eating and felt happy. I hadn’t had breakfast like this for two weeks. I know that’s a short amount of time but it was amazing to me. Paige, Fred, and Sebastian came down ten minutes later and they started eating too. It was nice to have all of them at the table with me. I felt like I was actually a part of the family. I never felt like that before. I smiled and joined in to some conversations and watched Fred and Paige fight over something. After George finished eating, he asked if any of us wanted to go to work with him.

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