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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria, Jude, Lucy, Max, Marie, Ben, Paige, Fred II, Sebastian, Jenna, Alice II, Frank II, Alex, Melinda, Toby, Markus, Bella, Jason, Raychel, Charlotte, and Reginald. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.


            I woke up in my bed alone. That had been the first time in over eleven years. After our fight the previous night, I made George sleep on the couch. I was too mad to be lying next to him all night but without him on the bed, I hardly slept. I hated this. Why was he being this way? Jason was important to me. He was important to everyone but George. How could he think Jason was better off with his crazy mother? He wasn’t being himself.

            I sighed and sat up on the bed. I looked at our wedding photo on the night stand and laid it down so I couldn’t see it. I got out of bed then and went over to my closet. I got on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then went out into the sitting room. George wasn’t on the couch so I figured he had already left for work. I went into the kitchen and got out some eggs and bacon to start making breakfast.

            “Mum?” Paige asked as she came into the kitchen. Her dark hair was a mess from sleeping and her blue eyes looked tired and worried.

            “Yeah, Sweetie?” I asked and started frying the bacon.

            “Where’s Daddy?”

            I looked at her. “He’s at work.”

            “Why did he sleep on the couch last night?”

            “Because he did.”

            “Are you guys getting a divorce?”

            “No, Sweetie. We’re just fighting. We’ll be fine.”


            I smiled and nodded. “I swear.” I kissed her head. “Now go upstairs and wake up Jason and your brothers and get dressed.”

            “Ok.” She smiled and left the kitchen.

            I continued making breakfast and I soon heard the kids in the sitting room. If it was a normal morning, George would’ve came in and kissed my cheek. Tears penetrated my eyes but I refused them to come. I had to stay strong for them. But I was gonna go talk to George after breakfast. I had the plates and silverware set themselves on the table then put the food on when they were done. I called in the kids and we started eating. Breakfast was quiet and I knew the other kids knew about George and I; even Sebastian. I hated that they knew.

            After breakfast, I had the kids get dressed then I took them to Jude’s since they wanted to play with Max. I apparated to Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and looked around for George. I didn’t see him anywhere so I went over to Lee at the register and he smiled at me. “Hey, Aria. What’s up?” He asked.

            “Just looking for George. Is he upstairs?” I asked.

            “Yeah. He’s testing products.”

            “Thanks.” I smiled and headed upstairs. I didn’t hear anything at his office door and I opened the door. “George, we need to talk.” I said as I walked in then stopped dead in my tracks. George was standing in the middle of the room snogging with a blonde haired, blue eyed girl I recognized as Raychel Ferris. I instantly stopped in my tracks and they looked at me. Raychel just looked at the floor and George stared at me with wide eyes. “This is great, George. Just great.” I turned around and left the room.

The Girl with the Broken Smile (Fourth Book in the Heart Scar series)Where stories live. Discover now