Jason's Mum

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria, Jude, Lucy, Max, Marie, Ben, Paige, Fred II, Sebastian, Jenna, Alice II, Frank II, Alex, Melinda, Toby, Markus, Bella, Jason, Charlotte, and Reginald. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Jason’s Mum

            I went into the sitting room and tried to take in everything Jason just told me. He was Fred’s son. I couldn’t believe Fred had a son. I can’t believe Jason’s mother didn’t even bother to tell Fred. He would’ve been a great father. I took a deep breath before picking up the phone to call Jude.

            “Hello?” Jude said on the other end.

            “Jude, what are you doing today?” I asked him.

            “Aria? Nothing. I don’t have work today.” He answered.

            “Good. Can you come over? Please?”

            “Yeah. I’ll be right there.” We hung up and I sat down on the couch. Jude apparated in then and he looked at me. “What’s going on?” He asked worriedly.

            “Can you stay here with Jason while I go talk to George?”

            He looked confused. “Who’s Jason?”

            “I am.” Jason said as he came into the room.

            I stood up and took out my wand. “He’s living with us now. There’s more to explain but I have to talk to George first. Bye.” I apparated out of the house and appeared in Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. I looked around and found George at the counter. I went over to him and he smiled at me.

            “Hey, Aria.” He kissed my lips. “I thought you were home with Jason.”

            “Jude’s with him right now.” I told him. “I need to talk to you, thought.”

            “Ok. What is it?’

            I looked at him; surprised. “You want to talk here?”

            “Yeah. Lee’s not here yet because Bella had a doctor’s appointment and I can’t leave the register.” He smiled at a customer as he checked her out.

            “Ok. Well, this is gonna be hard to hear.” I said worriedly.

            “Just tell me, Love.”

            I took a deep breath and said, “Jason’s Fred’s son.”

            His eyes got huge and he froze. He just stood there staring at nothing. I knew he’d be shocked but not this shocked. Luckily, Lee apparated in then and I went over to him. “What’s up with George?” He asked instantly.

            “He’s in shock.” I answered. “I need you to run the shop while I talk to him upstairs.”


            We went back over to George and I grabbed his arm. “Come on, George. Let’s go upstairs.” I pulled him with me and we walked up the stairs. George was in complete shock. I had never seen him like this before. I sat him down on the couch in the flat and looked into his eyes. He just stared blankly into space and I sighed. “Georgie, come on. Say something.” He didn’t. He just sat here. “Please, George.” I touched his face and his eyes looked into mine.

            “Fred… has a… son?” He finally said.

            I sighed and nodded. “Yeah.”

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