Chapter 2

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Note: Until I time jump Thantos is a year older than Fantasy. He's fifteen right now and is a freshman at the school. But anyway vote, comment, eat junk food, and enjoy.

Chapter 2

Mr. Grim is the principal of Grimm's Boarding School for Special Students, who looked disgusted at me. The old bastard can't fucking stand being in the same room as me, the feeling is mutual.

"You are late Mr. Richards"

Shrugging, "Jeff wanted to have a talk"
He was about to give a lecture about talking to the Devil like we're buddies, he only suppose to be my boss nothing more. But his daughter, Connie, came in looking innocent. 

Wonder what she did and who she's going to blame it on this time.

Connie Grim is the queen bitch of the school and can do whatever the hell she wants because daddy is the principle. She has long hair dyed blonde with blue eyes. She's the most beautiful girl in the school and if she wasn't so much of a bitch then I would have a crush on her. 

Fantasy's face came into my mind, she's so gorgeous. With that thought in my mind, I guess I wouldn't have a crush on Connie.

"That'll be all Mr. Richards, you may leave now"

If there's one thing that the old fart hated more than me, it was me and Connie being in the same room.

"Yes, Sir" I bowed and left

Walking down the long plain hallway towards Mr. George's Science class, Sebastian Ames, my best friend comes towards me in his black, grey, and white uniform.

"Hey, Death, where have you been?"

"Old Man Grim gave me a job in Washington. Why did something happen?"

"You should know that nothing ever happens here in this blasted school. But I should ask if something happened to you?" the bastard already knows that something happen, mind reading fucker.

He sounded offended, "Hey that was rude for you to think that, mister"

A smirk on my face, I say in Romanian, "Mea rau, i a insemnat nemernic"

He faked a gasp, "I am not an asshole, if anyone is an asshole it's Mr. George."

"He's in his mood?"

"When isn't he in his mood?"

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. That man has mood swings worse than a teenage girl on her period and a pregnant woman mixed together.

"Want to go have a smoke?"

"Yeah" I sighed knowing I'm about to be interrogated, might as well get it over with.

Sitting on the front steps of the school, Seb light a cigarette and handed me the lighter for my own.

Seb's voice came into my head, So what all happened in Washington, Than?

Taking a drag I answer in Italian, "Vuoi che dire che outloud o vuoi verderlo?"

It's probably safer to just show me.

Nodding, I replay everything in my head and Seb sees all of it, including the girl name Fantasy and what I was thinking at the time as well. He never interrupts because he thinks that it'll affect the person's mind if he stops it so suddenly. 

Once I'm done, he sits quietly for a moment, blowing out smoke. "How you going to do it, without someone noticing?"

Glad that he didn't think it was stupid, "I don't know probably go while everyone is asleep."

"But you don't know if her parents come and visit her, they just may come at night."

"Well then what the hell do you think I should do?" already irritated just thinking about this. The girl is starting to be more trouble than she's worth.

"You could always be her doctor's intern or act as a nurse there."

That actually seemed like a good plan, "That might actually work."

"I have more than just my good looks, Than"

"What good looks?" I say playfully

Seb playing along, "Well the ladies love my beautiful brown locks...,"

"It makes you look like a girl from the back"

"My sexy biceps...,"

"How the hell can biceps be sexy?"

"And what woman wouldn't love multi-colored eyes?"

Shaking my head I say in Romanian, "arogant nenorocitule"

Seb laughed, while I fought back a smile by taking a drag. "Mr. Ames and Mr. Richards what do you think you two are doing?" a high and annoying voice came from behind us.

"Smoking, what do you think we're doing?" I answered in a whisper to where only Seb can hear me.

Seb snickered, "Is there something funny, Mr. Ames?"

The both of us stood and turned towards the teacher

"Just wondering how we got ourselves into this mess Mrs. Grim"

"And have you figured out an answer to that, Mr. Ames?" She has her hands on her hips with a scowl on her face

"It probably wasn't the best idea to sit in front of the school" Seb had the nerve to act sheepish, even though it was his idea.

"Yes and it wasn't wise to smoke on school grounds either, Mr. Ames"

"Yeah" Seb flicked his cigarette behind him and looked at me

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. I don't know why but whenever I talk we seem to get into more trouble, so we both agreed that I wouldn't talk when we were about to get in trouble, which is all the time.

"Mr. Richards, are you to take that cancer stick out of your mouth or not?"

It's not like we can actually die by cancer or anything else like that.

Taking a long drag, I hold the smoke in my mouth, drop the cigarette on the ground and step on it and blew the smoke in Mrs. Grim direction.

"Why you-" she coughed

"Well Mrs. Grim I think its best that Thantos and I head to class now, hope you have a good afternoon" Seb pushed me in the school leaving Mrs. Grim to scowl at our backs.

Shaking his head once we got in the building, "do you have to piss the teachers off?"

"It's what I live for."

Seb laughed and we headed to class. 

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now