Chapter 7

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Author Note: OK people this will be my last update until Saturday or Sunday. So vote, comment and enjoy.


"So when do I get the future Mrs. Thantos Roberts? It's been what six months since you met her. And I still haven't met the one that has stolen my best friend's attention and time."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking towards a garage called Abandon that's 10 miles out of town.

"oh so now you're just going to ignore me?" Seb says in a high girly voice "Why are you ignoring me, Than?" he grabbed hold of my arm and starts fake crying, "WHY THAN?"

I pushed the crazy fucker off me, "Because I don't want her to think I'm as crazy as you."

"Ah so you admit that you're crazy and that she'll be the next Mrs. Roberts." Seb smirks at me.

"I'm not crazy and we aren't even dating nor have we talked about relationships. I don't know if she even knows what a relationship is."

"Well you said that she started reading romance books, right?"

"Yeah, she doesn't know a lot of words since she hasn't read in a long time but I'm helping her."

"So she does have an idea of what dating is, meaning that my Fantos ship is almost ready to set sail."

Sighing, I keep walking and try my best to ignore the idiot. He won't stop talking about me and Fantasy getting married and having kids. I swear he acts so much like a girl when he tries to play cupid.

"hey I do not act like a girl," he puffs out his chest and lifts chin higher, "I'm more of a man than Godzilla."

I turned towards him with a raised eyebrow, "You do know that Godzilla is a giant ass lizard, right?"

"Yeah I know that's why I said it."

I shake my head and kept going, "Idiot"

By the time we get to Abandon, Seb is convinced that me and Fantasy are going to be married, I'll be tied around all of her fingers twice, and that we'll have 7 to 8 kids. Now he's trying to name all of them.

Walking in, I saw Old Bobby fixing up an old school car. Seb yells at him, "Hey Billy-Bob"

"Hey Sebster" Old bobby got from under the hood and stood at his full height 7'5, touring of both me and Seb.

"Hello Thantos"

Nodding my head, I walk past the 61 year old man, with wise emerald colored eyes and ash colored hair, and into the dark red office with black carpet floors.

I locked the door behind Seb and went to the desk to get the key. Seb didn't say anything and waited by the hidden door in the wall. I picked up the heavy and slightly used gold key out of the bottom drawer. I left a piece of the wallpaper off the wall and stick the key in the hole and turned it. Once I hear the click I pushed and walked into my place of sanctuary.

The smell of gasoline and sweat made my shoulders shag with relief. The place was a mess, car parts and tools all over the place, but I never brought anyone but Seb here.

"Shit when did you get this beauty?"

I turned and found him staring at the Monte Carlo that was on two bricks and was a rusty copper color with a dented roof, no hood, busted windows, and three doors missing, "Found her in the junk yard a few weeks ago, just got most of the parts for her already."

Seb had an excited look on his face, the same look that's on my face as well, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get started."

We worked on the car for hours, fixing the engine, putting new doors, hood and roof on it. We stopped working on the car because Seb kept whining about how hungry he was, we left the garage saying a goodbye to Old Bobby.

Walking back to town, Seb kept saying that he wanted to meet Fantasy and when I say no he says that I'm being selfish and that I'm trying to keep her all to myself.

Which is true, I don't like to share and I really don't want any guys around her but I don't want to seem controlling. So by the time we reach the edge of town, I agreed to take Seb to Fantasy but only after me and Fantasy start dating.

I was slightly surprised that no one did or said anything to the both of us, so far. Right after I thought that James, Patrick, and 4 other goons jumped us. They managed to get some good hits since they got us when we weren't looking.

We were in the middle of fucking town, with all these shops open and people in the damn places but no one comes to help us. In fact some people actually stared, others more specially teens cheered them on. Me and Seb fought back while everyone else booed but I didn't care I was more worried about someone from the crowd trying to jump in and help James.

Growing tired of this never ending push and punch. I look at Seb from the corner of my eye and saw him nod slightly. The both of us picked up our speed, we gave each of the guys a punch to the gut, to the face, and then we threw them away from us and moved on to the next one until they were all on the ground. Once the landed they were so winded that they had to lay there on the ground for a few minutes. We left before they could; it was difficult because of the crowd but we managed to shove ourselves though.

"I can't stand this bullshit town and its homicidal people and its dumb ass laws." I said loud enough for the crowd to hear us but no one did anything.

Seb sighs, "Yeah I hate it too but we only have to deal with this for another 3 and a half years, than we can leave this hell hole."

I frowned, "I need a drink"

Laughing, Seb puts his hand on my shoulder, "Then let's go get drunk, my friend"

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