Chapter 16

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Fixing up my F150 at the garage with Seb was relaxing. We were talking about random things when I felt like I was in a daze and was about to pass out.

I saw Seb saying something but I couldn't hear it.

Then I felt a slap on my face yet Seb didn't do it.

I don't know what's going on, the only reason that this would happen is if Fantasy was hurt.

I felt a kick to the stomach.

Fantasy being hurt, that's was the only thing that I can think when I blinked to her.

No one saw me as I was behind the crowd with Seb beside me.

Pushing my way to the front I saw what I never wanted to see, Fantasy was getting beat up by the quarterback.

Everything after that was a blur of red. One minute I was ripping the asshole off her and beating the shit out of him when someone pulled me back saying we can't get into anymore trouble.

I was still throwing hits when I heard a light groan say, "Stop please"

Things were starting to get clear once I heard Fantasy but there was still a light haze of red.

I walked towards Fantasy while shacking off Seb's hands off me.

On my knees in front of her, I looked in her eyes and saw nothing but pain. So I gently lifted her into my arms and walked out the school, feeling everyone eyes on me.

Seb ran to the door in front of me and open the doors. Nodding I walked out and blinked to Fantasy's bedroom.

Laying her on the bed, I lock the door and blinked to the kitchen for the first aid kit then back to Fantasy.

Sitting next to her, I clean all of her wounds and check for anything else. Done, I sigh heavily, stand up and burned the clothes and blood off my body and face.

That fucker better be dead.

I grabbed some clothes from her closet, put them on and sat in the chair next to her bed.

Going in her head, I see my little inger in pain in the darkness and I can't help but feel that its my fault.

I wasn't there to help.

I never showed her how to fight back or anything.

"Thantos?" she moaned a little

I sat beside her and grabbed her hand, "I'm here, Neve Bianco and I'm so sorry"

"Why are you sorry?" she whispered

"I wasn't there to stop this"

She smiled at me, "you can't be there for me all the time"

"Yes but that's why Dracul, Max and, Luna are here. Where were they?"

"Jeff came this morning and said that there was a problem in Hell and he needed them"

"I'm going to kick his ass"

She laughed a little, "No you won't"

I raised an eyebrow with a smile on my face, "oh and why is that?"

"because you're protective of me"

I didn't say anything, just smiled at her.

She groaned a little in pain when I moved her into my lap.

Distracting her from the pain I asked, "if you could have anything in the world what would it be?"


Running my hands through her hair, "yes, princess, anything"

She hesitated before whispering, "I want for you and me to have a home together away from everyone but the people we trust"

I blinked a few times but said, "ok do you want a small house?"

She shook her head, "no I want a big house"

"So a mansion?"

She shook her head again, "no smaller"

Raising a brow, "So a house where it's big yet not a mansion?"

"yes" nodding

An idea formed in my head for Fantasy's birthday......even though it was six months away.

"what else do you want for our home?"

Her beautiful silver eyes lights up, "an orchid filled with fruits and veggies"


"I want to live where the leaves and snow fall at the same time?"

That was going to be a little difficult but whatever

"Alright, do you want a lake or a ocean?"

"hmm" she thought to herself for a minute, "I want a lake filled with different colored fish, and that has a wishing willow tree near it and a swing with it"

Curious, I asked "why a willow tree?"

"despite what a lot of people believe the tree doesn't mean death. It symbolizes fulfilling wishes of the heart, learning from the past, and inner visions and dreams."

Smirking, "you would know what that means, now wouldn't you my little nerd?"

She pouted, "I'm not a nerd"

"Says the girl that took the SAT, twice, freshman year and got a hundred points under a perfect score, both times. You could gradate high school any time you want and you always have your nose in a book and you're dating me. I think that makes you my little nerd."

I chuckled when she didn't say anything but just pouted.

I pulled her into my lap, kissing her softly, I whisper "alright a willow tree with a swing and a lake full of fishes."

Then a really important question pops in my head, I bite my lip, "Neve Bianco, do you want a baby later?"

I don't know why we never talked about this shit before.

"Yes, do you want one?"

I sighed relived, "yeah, Neve Bianco, I would like one. How many do you want?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I want a big family, so as long as we have more than two then I'm fine."

Before I could say anything she changed the subject, "I want to live somewhere cold"

"ok would you like live near the mountains?"

"yes, but only so I can see them every day."

I asked, "Do you want to live where its warm spring and summer but snows nearly every day in the winter and half of fall?"

The sparkle in her eyes got brighter, "YES!! And I want the house made of stone or at least red oak if I can't have stone."

Smiling, I held her closer to me, looking into her eyes, "Whatever you want Fantasy, you'll get; even if I have to tell heaven and hell to move the fuck out my way to get it for you. After all you are my Snow White."

And slowly the darkness turned into what she wanted.

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now