Chapter 27

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Third person POV

It's been a month since Thantos was kidnapped and Quinn is still torturing him. She walked into the cell and poured water on and around him then walked out of the room. He hasn't said anything since the first day and he didn't ask what she was doing.

He was beaten and bloody. There were open wounds all over his body. He was tired and thought that if he dies he was glad that they would never find Fantasy but he wanted to see her face one last time.

Suddenly two small electrical wires landed in the water and for the first time in that month Thantos screamed and did it so loud that everyone in the city could hear.

That just so happened to be the city that Mack was sent to find Thantos.

He heard the scream and nodded his head then blinked back to Seb.

Everyone was already there before him looking sad

Mack saw that Fantasy wasn't in the room right then maybe that was a good thing Fantasy hasn't been able to smile for the past month but he still said "I found him"

All heads snapped to him then the door to the room slammed opened and in walked Fantasy.

"where is he and when do we leave?"

Seb stood in front of her, "I don't think that's a good idea"

She looked at him with a dumbfounded yet defiant look and hands on her hips, "And why would you think that Sebastian?"

He flinched at the use of his full name but still said, "Thantos wouldn't want you to be there, he wouldn't want you to be hurt if something was to happen."

"really that's your excuse"

Seb nodded his head

"Let's make this quick, you can either take me with you willingly or I can give you hell, pick one"

He stared at her but then sighed when he saw that she wasn't going to give in.

"Fine but you have to stay with me at all times."

She nodded her head

"alright now where is he?"

"he's either in the basement of the council building or might be in the infirmary of the council building in Europe."

Lily, the sweet girl who never cusses says with a deadpan face, "You're shiting me right?"

"I wish I was"

Chris says, "How the hell are we going to break into the council building? They'll know what we were going to do before we even step foot close to the building."

Everyone starts to argue about how they are going to get Thantos out of the councils hands except Fantasy who just stands to the side already having a plan that will get Thantos out and to remind the council who they're fucking with.

Rick yells, "Why don't we just flash in there grab him and then vanish?"

Fantasy looks out her bedroom window while saying, "Because then you wouldn't be able to get out."


"think about it, do you really think Thantos would stay there willing. No, there's something that's keeping him"

She starts to play with the ring on her finger when Jade ask sarcastically, "well what do you want to do?"

Fantasy turns with a glint in her eyes and a dark smile, "I thought you'd never ask"

Fantasy tells them her plan and when she done everyone look shocked and impressed that she thought of a plan like that in just a few minutes.

But everyone was thinking the same thing, it was Alex to be the one to say it, "this is about revenge as well isn't"

Fantasy shrugged her shoulders, "it depends on how you look at it, I see it as message"

Jade, "well I don't care how anyone sees it, I say we do it"

Mack, "it's a good plan, hell if we do it then we can vanish off the face of the earth before they can think about what they're going to do next."

Everyone but Seb agrees to the plan.

Sara, "Seb what's wrong?"

Its quiet as they wait for Seb to say something, "If we do this we would ruin three people lives, two of them are innocent."

"yeah but one of them weren't suppose to have that life in the first place, it would also be safer for them if we do it."

Seb nods his head, "alright let's do it, when do we start?"

Fantasy shrugs her shoulders, "it's up to you since you are part of the first part of the plan but once it starts we have to keep going with the rest since its all connected."

"We'll start at midnight"

Fantasy nods her head and starts to walk out the door.

"where are you going?"

"To finish some last minute things"

Before anyone can question her more she walked out the door.

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now