Chapter 26

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AN: There's torture in this chapter.
Me and Fantasy stayed in our home for a week. Her being a little vixen we've made love every night but I'm not really complaining.

By Saturday, Fantasy has seen ever inch of our home and loved it.

Taking her back to her parents, my phone gets a signal and starts beeping now stops with text messages and missed calls from my father.

I just got a text again from him saying to get home immediately or something bad was going to happen.

I kissed Fantasy and blinked back to the house, only to see father, Mr. Grim, and a few of father's friends in the living room.

Something wasn't right and I should've left as soon as I got there but then I saw Mother.

Mother comes into the room looking scared with bruises all over her and it looks like she was trying to guard the way to the triplets rooms. Father is red and pissed, Grim's face was blank, and the others were smirking.

Did Father actually hit her?

She saw me before anyone and mouthed that she's sorry

Before I had time to leave or think about it Father turns and sees me, "Where the HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?"

Keeping my face and voice void of emotion, "Out"

"OUT?! That's all you're going to say boy. Do you realize that you have embarrassed me to the council because I couldn't tell them where you were for the past week?"

It clicks why he's so pissed. The council came for a visit and I wasn't here.

My stomach falls to the floor and I stop breathing

They're going to want to know where I have been and why I was gone for so long. If they find out they're going to know about Fantasy.

They'll kill her if they do.

No they can't know, I won't let them kill her.

Apparently I was quiet for too long because I get punched in the face by Father and he throws in some more punches before his friends join in.

They keep going until a woman walks in through the door with her guards. "I think he's used to your punishment, John Lewis. Let us handle it. After all it'll be his birthday in two weeks time and we would like to give him"

The woman smirks at me when my father nods and backs away.

"Hello Mr. Roberts"

That's when I realized that she was the same woman that tried to have Mack and Henry killed.

Oh Shit.

The guards grabbed me and knocked me out.

I woke chained with holding my arms above my head and the smell of piss and blood.

I tried flashing to anywhere but here but it wasn't working for some reason.

Before I could think of a way out or figure out where I am the steel door was unlocked and opened.

The old man from the council walked in, "Hello Mr. Roberts, how are you?"

Sarcastically, "Just great, I would be better if I wasn't chained but I am"

"Oh well that's too bad, anyway I will only ask you this once and I suggest you answer honestly. Where have you been for the past week and what were you doing?"

"I was in hell fucking your mother"

"Very well, Quinn he's all yours" he calls out and the councilwoman walked in with a tray of knives, hammers, and whips along with a malicious smile.

"Let's have some fun."

Without a warning she grabs a hammer and swings with all her might. The hammer hits my knee breaking my leg clean in half.

I opened my mouth to scream but at the last second bite my tongue. I'm not going to give her the pleasure of hearing my screams.

The old man says while Quinn goes to get a knife, "this can stop now, Thantos, you just have to tell us what you were doing"

I looked the fucker in the eye and said loud enough for all of them to hear, "when I get out of here I will kill ALL of you with the same mercy you have shown me."

"Wrong answer"

The woman threw a knife and it hit me in the stomach. I grunted and watched as she walked towards me.

She kneeled in front of me, "Do you know my name now, Mr. Roberts?"

I took a second to make it look like I was thinking, "is it bitch?"

She grabbed the knife that was still in me and started to slowly drag it up towards my ribcage.

I clenched my teeth together and started into the bitch's deep blue eyes. She was just under my ribs when she stepped back, "Sean, you can do whatever you want to him, so long as you don't kill him."

A tall and buff man comes into the room and nods. Then the old man and Quinn leave. The man comes to me and beats me bloody, broken, black and blue until I fell unconscious.


I wake again to a whip hitting me in the face.

"oh look, your awake. Did you have nice dreams?"

Its only Quinn in the room.

She walked over to me and grabs the knife still in me but then I notice that my skin healed around the knife.

She pulls the knife back to my stomach and leaves it there.

After she gets back up I quickly release the breathe I was holding and close my eyes for a few seconds to catch my breath.

Opening my eyes I see her bring a bucket full of water and she poured it all over me.

I shake my head to get it out my eyes when she brought the whip down on me. For some reason the pain was intensified by the water and it was harder to keep the screams in but I wasn't going to give in.

The bitch keeps at until a woman with deep blue eyes and gray hair comes in with a tray of food, "Quinn, stop your blood lust and go eat dinner. You've been down here the whole day."

She huffed but put the whip down and left. The old woman comes towards me and lifts a spoon towards my mouth.

When I don't open my mouth she slaps me, my head turns towards the side and the woman grabs my face again to try and force the food down my throat.

She manages to get some in my mouth but I spit it back in her face. She jerks away from me and kicks the knife deeper into my stomach.

Grunting, I hear the woman before I pass out, "You're going to die here boy and there's nothing you can do about it."

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now