Chapter 25

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Going into the ballroom, I saw that we were late but Fantasy wasn't anywhere in the room. Sara tells me then walks up the stairs, "I'll go see if she's ready."

I looked around the room full of hypocrites who only want their own personal gain and sighed when they looked at us like we were pathetic.

This was going to be a long night.

Seb put his hand on my shoulder, "relax Thantos, all we have to do is wait until midnight and then poof we all get to leave."

I looked at the huge clock at the side and saw that it was only 9 o'clock.

This was going to be a really long night

A waiter was walking by me with a tray of champagne, I took one and was about to drink it but then I saw Fantasy.

She was walking down the stairs with Sara.

She was wearing a green dress that showed off her body with a slit going up her leg and her hair was pulled back and up.

She looked beautiful, no gorgeous

She looked like a goddess.

I didn't realize she was walking towards me for the fact that I was lost in her smile and eyes.

I stood there for minute like an idiot until Seb elbowed me and I finally got my voice back.

"You look breathtaking Fantasy"

Fantasy blushed a little and said thank you.

I stared into her grey eyes and she stared into my green eyes, that's when I realized what she did to make us match.

Chuckling, "you did our outfits based off our eyes"

She giggled, "yep, I figured it'll be something you and me can have a laugh about"

I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me gently, to whisper in her ear, "I have two surprises for you, birthday girl but you won't be to see them until midnight."

She pouted, "then why tell me now?"

I kissed her pout away before saying, "that way when midnight comes there's no reason for us to stay here"

She whispered, "ok"

I smiled at her and took her hand while gently pulling her to the dance floor, once there, "Can I have this dance my bella Neve Bianco?"

"Perche si puo, il mio principe"

My smile got bigger and we started dancing.

"Your Italian is getting better, my princess"

"Well I have an excellent teacher"

Dipping Fantasy, "Damn right you do"

She giggled and looked above my head

Putting her back on her feet, "Thantos we're under the mistletoe"

Smirking, I pulled her closer, chest to chest, I kissed her deeply.

Forgetting about everything around us, we did nothing but dance and kiss until midnight hit.



I moved me and Fantasy off the dance floor to an empty hallway. On the way we saw Nicky and the others smiling and saying a quick Happy Birthday to Fantasy but didn't stop us.

Seb was in the hallway and smiled, "Happy Birthday, Fantasy"

"Thank you Seb"

He turned towards me and gave me Fantasy's suitcase, "Everything's ready and her parents also know about this little trip you two are having."

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now