Chapter 28

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Fantasy walks out the school building with her diploma in hand towards her parents' limo. She asked the driver to take her to wherever her father is.

She sighed and rips up her diploma and the fake acceptance letter to some college that she had to show to the guidance consoler and put it in the trash bucket that was in the car.

She zones out thinking about everything that has to be done and everything they have to do to be ready for the aftermath. If everything goes according to plan then the council will want revenge and probably try to hunt everyone down, so there is no going back once this begins.

She starts to think about Thantos, the love of her life, her king, and she tries her hardest to not cry. She hasn't cried at all since hearing from Seb that Thantos was missing. She stayed strong knowing that she couldn't panic for it wouldn't help. 

Yet not knowing where he was for the past month was terrifying but to know that the council has him is slowly killing her the longer that he's with them. Now that she knows where he is its time to get her king back and raise hell for the council.

The limo stops in front of her father's mistress house.

"Miss I don't know how long he's going to be in there, would you like to go somewhere else to wait?"

"No we'll stay here until he comes out"

The driver nodded his head and the window screen rolled back up.

After three hours, Scott Cruz comes out the house while fixing his jacket and gets into the limo he knows that his daughter is in.

He tells the driver to go to the bank that's across town.

Its quiet for a minute or two as the driver starts the limo and drives

Her father doesn't look in her direction as he says, "So you're finally leaving with him?"

Fantasy looks at him, "yes"

"I figured you would, it was either that or you were going to say that he got you pregnant."

He looks at her questioningly, "are you pregnant?"

She blushes slightly, "no father, I'm not"

He nods his head, "good, you also need to know that your mother and I are moving. There won't be any moving men coming to get anything because your mother plans to buy new stuff. Also the nanny and the cook have both been fired so you and your friends will have the house to yourselves."

"Do you plan to leave once we get back to the house?"

He nods his head again but doesn't say anything.

They stay quiet for the rest of the ride, lost in their own thoughts.

Once the driver says that they're at the bank, Scott tells his daughter to follow him. Walking into the bank they bypass all security without anyone saying anything or trying to stop them, the manger of the bank sees them and goes directly to the door that they were going to. The man opens the door and holds it for the two of them before locking it behind them.

There in a room full of security boxes and Scott walks to a wall of them.

"what are we doing here father?"

Instead of answering her question he said, "Do you remember that for your ninth birthday instead of throwing you a party I took you hunting with me?"

"yes" She didn't really know what this was about and was wondering if it was a bad idea to tell her father anything.

He starts unlocking different boxes, "Do you remember what I told you while we were there?"

He doesn't let her answer, "I told you that something was going to happen, I didn't know if it was good or bad but before that happened I wanted to be able to teach you how to defend yourself in some way. So I taught you how to use a gun and you knew how to shoot any type of gun you put your hands on. I also told you that your mother was a cruel hearted bitch and wasn't going to help you in any type of way. So when we came back from the trip I started opening a few security boxes for you."

He starts taking things out of those boxes onto the table in the middle of the room. Fantasy was shocked to see nothing but maps of different countries, passports, guns, bullets, and money going from her father's hand to the table.

When he's finally done empting the boxes, Scott looks at his daughter with pride in his eyes, "I know that I haven't been the best father but I was only trying to make sure that none of my enemies try to harm you. So I distanced myself from you to make sure of that you aren't harm because of me. I don't know if you'll ever forgive me for not being there when you won all your ballet recitals or to teach you to drive or to see how perfect your grades were but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and I think that Thantos is good for you. So if you two ever get married then you have my blessing. I love you, my little cloud"

With tears in her eyes, Fantasy goes and hugs him tightly, "I forgive you and I love you too, daddy"

They held each other knowing that it was going to be the last hug they will ever have.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before Scott steps away and grab 4 black duffle bags while Fantasy wipes the tears from her face.

Together they put everything that's on the table into the four bags. Then Fantasy asked, "Why are there so many passports?"

Together there were 100 blank passports.

"Well I wanted to make sure that all of you had some so I figured that each of you get five and have leftover passports for emergencies."

She smiled at him and he returned it a little before put the rest of the things in bags.

Once done they both returned to the limo and put the bags inside with them. They get to the mansion and her and her father walk in it. Scott puts the bags down and pulls his little cloud into a hug one more time, "Be safe, cloud"

"You too daddy"

He kiss her forehead before turning around and was about to walk the door until he remembered, "Here's the deed to the house, you can do what you want with it"

She takes the paper and watch as her father walks out of not only the door but also out of her life.

She sighs when he's gone and looks upstairs but decides that she didn't want anyone to talk to her at the moment. So she puts the deed in one of the duffel bags then she starts the long process of dragging the bags up the stairs to her room.

She uses the time to control her emotions and once she's in front of her door she takes a minute to make sure that she's in control before she opens the door and drags the bags in while everyone stares shocked.

Leaving the bags in the middle of the floor she goes back to close the door.

Mack asks nervously, "um, Fantasy what's all this?"

Seb, Henry, Kayla, and Chris were going though it while everyone else watched.

Fantasy says sadly, "A goodbye gift from my father" 

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