Chapter 22

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I walked over to her, pushing her against the wall, I gave her a bruising kiss.

With her hands trapped above her head the towel fell to the floor between us. I felt her breast through my shirt and groaned.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and moaned softly when she rubbed against my jeans. I walked towards her bed and dropped her on it.

She gasped and moved towards the headboard slowly, still looking at me.

I didn't climb after her just stared at her red plump lips down her clear neck and round breast.

My view was now blocked because she put a pillow in front of her.

I glared at her and the pillow, "Move it"

"not until you tell me what happened"

I crawled on the bed until I was on top of her. I gave a punishing kiss that she responded to.

I snatched the pillow from her and threw it across the room.

She started to moan in my mouth when I put my hands on her boobs and squeezed. I was biting her ear, to let her breathe.

From her ear I went to her neck and sucked every inch of it, hard. She's panting when I finally get to her chest.

Just as I was about to take one in my mouth she grabs hold of my hair and pulls. I groan and kiss her when she whispers, "Thantos, tell me what's wrong."

I sighed and pulled away from her.

Taking off my shirt I give it to her and she puts it on.

With my back to her, I put my head in my hands, "I'm sorry, baby. I- its just..."

I felt Fantasy's hand on my back as she kissed the back of my neck, "Its fine Thantos, if it wasn't for the fact that you're pissed off and would've regretted it later, I wouldn't have stopped you." She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered, "Now tell me what has you so upset."

I replayed the whole conversation to her, she nodded her head when I was done and slowly started to massage my shoulders when she said, "I know that talking about all of your deaths pissed you off but why do I have a feeling that's not what tipped you over the edge?"

I thought back on the last bit of the conversation when the girl gasped and looked at me with nothing but fear in her eyes.

"The girl...Shaw's daughter...she saw the eyes, fangs, and claws...she looked at me with fear and disgust, she looked at me as if I was a monster that was going to rip her apart and eat her."

Fantasy hands froze for a few seconds before she put her hand under my chin and made me look at her and she looked pissed.

"Thantos, you are not a monster and if you for once even think about agree with this girl or whoever than you are the dumbest person I have ever met."

I looked at her shocked and opened my mouth to say something but Fantasy wasn't done.

"I don't know why you haven't realized that you are a caring, loving and protective man that will not let anyone harm the people he loves and would do anything for them. Why believe anyone who thinks otherwise? Why don't you believe anything I'm saying about you being a great guy?" Her voice cracks at the end with tears in her eyes.

I pulled her onto my lap, whispering, "It's not that I don't believe you, Neve Bianco. It's the fact that I hear the complete opposite almost every day from damn near everyone my whole life. And the girl just added more proof that maybe I am the bad guy and just didn't notice until now."

She scuffed, "That depends on whose telling the story."

Looking down I stare at Fantasy, wondering what she's talking about, "huh?"

"Every story has a good guy and a bad guy. Everyone knows the reasons as to why the prince fights the dragon but does anyone know why the dragon fights or why the witch placed a curse? What if the girl ran in the dragon's home and hid while the dragon was asleep or the witch was making something but got distracted and said the wrong word? Now because of a small mistake someone comes into their home and kills them. Their friends or neighbor tell the story to someone else but who's the bad guy then? The council sees you as the bad guy but Seb, Alex, Sarah, and everyone else sees you as the good guy, the hero. This is your story to tell Thantos, you are the only one that can truly pick who you are and in time, when all of this is over, you'll tell the story that you'd lived though and know who you are."

Looking in her eyes I saw the determination to have me believe what she's saying. I smiled at the thought that she'd never think of me as anything more than what she sees me as.

"Frumosul meu, intelligent, si iubitor pic de vis. Ce- i face pentru a- ai in bratele mele de acum si pentru totdeauna? What am I to you, il mio Neve Bianco?"

Fantasy wrapped her arms around my neck, smiled softly and put her face close to mine saying, "I have no idea what you said before that but I'm not going to ask."

I smirked and had her straddled me while she rolled her sparkling grey eyes.

"Anyway you're my dark prince in tainted armor whose the soon to be king in our soon to be kingdom. You're my best friend, boyfriend, hero and my one and only heart. Now be quiet and kiss me."

"cu placere, printesa mea. Ma si dovrebbe anche sapere che vederti nudo...e cio che davvero mi ha fatto a scatto."

I kissed her deeply and forgot about everything else.

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now