Chapter 14

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In the desert, that's 101 degrees right now, I watch Matt and the others cough and groan in pain from being forced to blink here, but I didn't care.

If they wanted to try and hurt MY Neve Bianco just because she was human...than I'll show them what will happened to them when you try to.

I didn't care if they are my friends I will kill for her.

I will be her Dark Knight like I promised her.

Matt was the first to stand up after his coughing fit but I sent him back on the ground with a punch in the gut.

He was on his knees in front of me with his head down and arms around his stomach, when he started to laugh, "You won't kill me"

"How much you want to bet?" my voice sounded demonic, cold, deep, and calm. There was no anger in it nor was there any yelling.

I was calm and pissed off all at the same time.

Matt was going to say something else until he looked up and saw my eyes and he turned pale.

"Have something to say Matt?"

He stayed quiet and just stared at me in horror which just made me glare at him annoyed.

"What Matt don't have the balls to say what you want now that you're face to face with the one to bring death to everyone on earth, make heaven fall from the sky, and free Hell from under the earth's crust?"

He still stared at my red eyes but now the beast is out, he was staring at eyes with no pupils.

"Come on Matt let's hear what you have to say."

He stood up slowly and took a step back. His fear put a small smirk on my face until he opened his mouth.

"What's so special about her? She's just a sick human girl"

The temperature drops a few degrees but no one notices.

I shug and said, "She's pretty"

Matt looked furious, "pretty?! You would risk your life and ours just because she's pretty!"

It wasn't because she was pretty but because she has the purest soul I've ever seen, she has a heart of gold; she makes me think that I have a heart beat that pounds around her or that it warms when I think of her.

I know that she will be the only one for me, I don't know why yet but I will, so to answer Matt, I looked in his eyes and said "yes"

He starts to laugh again.

"What's so funny Matt?"

He stops and says, "I lose the love of my life and I get criticized for loving a grim by everyone yet you're playing house with a human, this by the way is forbidden. It's hilarious that you don't even love the girl, yet you're willing to have us all killed because 'she's pretty'."

I stay silent and he laughs again and says, "Well since you're not in love with her then maybe I should kill her, that way-"

He didn't finish his sentence because my hand was wrapped around his throat and lifted him in the air.

This time when the temperature dropped they had no choice but to notice because the ground became covered in ice and snow fell around us in a blizzard.

The Sahara Desert, the hottest place in the world has just become the coldest because this fuck face wanted to kill my Neve Bianco.

He wanted to kill my princess.

He wanted to harm my innocent heart.

He wanted to touch what is mine.

Squeezing his throat even tighter than before, this made his face turn blue and purple, some of his blood cells were popped from the lack of oxygen.

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now