Chapter 32

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Before Seb could leave the room Jeff appeared in the room.

"You called"

Fantasy looks at Jeff with a determined look on her face, "You know that they plan to kill Thantos right?"

He sighed, "You know that I can't interfere, Fantasy."

"Yes but that doesn't mean that you can't give me something to save him"

He smirks while raised an eyebrow, "You want to make a deal with me?"

Fantasy smirks slightly, "no this is me turning in a favor that you owe me and Thantos"

The smirk on his face went away, "oh"

The room is quiet as Jeff stares at Fantasy, thinking she'd back down or cower away. But when she stayed strong and even had the nerve to glare coldly at him, he knew that he wasn't going to when this.

He stilled tried one more time, "Fantasy some things aren't meant to be changed-"

She cut him off coldly, "That's funny because when your son was at the brink of death, those words didn't come out your mouth, in fact I think the words that did was 'I don't care what needs to be done or what I have to do just save him'. Am I wrong Jeff?"

Jeff's fist was balled up and before anyone can do anything he was in front of Fantasy before she could blink.

While in front of her, Jeff started to slowly turn red and you could see his horns and tail grow from their hiding places. But she didn't move nor did she look away, in fact she actually glared at him and said, "You touch me and you know that Thantos, even in the afterlife would tear you apart, so get a hold of yourself."

He still glared at her but then took a deep breath and let it out slowly while the redness was going away.

When he got control, he smirked and started to look at her with respect, "I knew there was a reason I liked you. You play dirty smart. Alright what do you want?"

Without hesitation, "something that will save Thantos and by us some time as well"

Jeff looked a little irritated, "wow that was really specific let me see if I have something with that name ok?"

Throwing her hands in the air, "well what the hell do you have?"

Jeff shrugged, "Everything"

"Grr," Fantasy grips her hair saying sarcastically, "then give me something that will that will save Thantos more than once yet connect me to him like I'd go into a coma if he does or some shit."

With a straight face, "Are you positive you want that?"

Seb finally butts in, "wait you actually have something like that?"

Jeff rolls his eyes, "I said that I have everything didn't I?"

He vanishes for three seconds then comes back with his Egyptian woman holding a golden scepter that have two snakes wrapped around it and a glowing ball floating above it. One of the snakes is a Death Adder and the other is a Black Mamba.

Everyone stared at it in awe, not able to take their eyes off of it.

"This is the scepter of life or death. Its host or owner would touch one of the snakes and the snake will attach itself to them. It'll look like a tattoo that moves around on your body."

The woman picks up where Jeff left off, "But that is only if the snakes accept you to be their owner because if they don't then they will kill from the inside out. If they do accept you then you will have three chances to cheat death."

Death and Dreams (COMPLETED BUT NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now